'24 Winter Sale Dates Announced
Additionally, there are several things we want to convey to you. Here's the items we will be covering today:
- Specifics about the sale.
- New enhancements to the Store and shopping cart.
- Suspension of the specific GOTW posts till January 6th.
We'll try to keep this brief, but we want to communicate a variety of things... so let's jump in.
1) As the banner above notes, this Winter Sale runs from December 13th until the evening of January 5th, 2025. While we are a global company, I (Rich) am based in Virginia, USA - so all times are relative to my time zone. I will begin to shut the sale down about 10 PM on the night of the 5th. I do watch the traffic and won't shut things down if I see active shopping carts... but please don't wait till the last minute. :-)
We only have two games that do not have their price reduced this round. They are:
- Spring Awakening '45
- Smolensk '43
All other titles will be reduced to $29.95 in the cart (which is a 25% reduction). Additionally, our automatic 20% discount for orders over $199 will still be in effect. So, you can potentially see a 40% combined discount off normal pricing if you buy in bulk. All other discounts will be paused during this time period.
** Note: You must order all 7 games in a Single Order for the store to apply the bulk discount automatically. It is not meant to be cumulative over multiple orders during the sale window.
2) We have made a few changes to our Store software to try and make it a bit easier on you. In order for these to function properly you need to login to your Store Account before making any purchases. We suggest you do this upon every visit really, as that is what enables you to access your previously ordered games.
Those changes are:
When looking at your cart before you check out, new text will appear if you already have a copy of that game in your Store Account. You can then remove that item from your cart before checkout.
On the individual product pages there will be a red banner if a copy of that game exists in your Store Account records.
Please look out for these notices to avoid making duplicate purchases - as these can only be resolved by contacting Support at Helpdesk@wargameds.com.
3) Finally, and just to be clear - since almost every title in our store will be on sale, we will not be having specific "Game of the Week" posts or mailings during the sale window. That program will resume on January 6th. We had originally planned not to run it during months that the sale took place, but it has been very popular - so going forward we will run it every week of the year that is outside the normal sale windows.
Ok, that brings us to the end of our sale/store specific news. As always, if you have any questions please direct them to Helpdesk@wargameds.com and we will get them answered.
Enjoy the sale!
Well with today’s purchase, like Pokemon, I finally got ‘em all! It’s been a long journey getting a few a year. Thanks to Rich and the entire WDS team for the years of great games, support, and keeping John Tiller’s dream alive! Looking very much forward to the new stuff in the coming years. Best to all of you!
Well, it’s simply impossible to resist the WDS winter sale! You make great wargames and you are one with us your fans. How can I not support that? Just bought Republican Bayonets on the Rhine, Philippines ’44 and Spring Awakening ’45, bumping my collection of John Tiller/WDS games to 33, not counting my copies of the old classic John Tiller Battleground and Campaign series. Thank you, guys, for your hard work bringing us new games aswell as regular updates of the old and the best customer support on the market! You guys rock!
@John, planning for mid/late January.
Any word on The War of the Austrian Succession?
I found that I can play them solitaire against myself by using the two player hot seat option. So far have played Shiloh and South Mountain, and part of a long campaign from the Forgotten Fronts (?) game (sorry, old age strikes again, I forgot the name)
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