Certain Strike 87
Coming soon, a 3-week campaign in Central Europe in 1987 for Danube Front ‘85.
Mark Middleton (Midge on the WDS Forums) was one half of the team that bought us the Bolt out of the Blue scenario for Danube Front '85. Mark provided a wealth of information drawing on a range of sources, including his time serving in the Royal Marine Commandos throughout the 80’s.
Mark has been quietly working on a new 1987 scenario that reflects the various forces at that time. Following is the introductory story to set the stage for Mark’s scenario called:
May 9th, 1987 (D-32)
The annual Moscow Victory Parade is used as cover to overthrow Gorbachev. In a bloodless Coup Viktor Chebrikov (chairman of the KGB) is installed as temporary General Secretary.
May 11th, 1987 (D-30)
Chebrikov’s first priority is to gather the Politburo and inform them Perestroika and Glasnost are over. No more will the Soviet Union appease the capitalist West, “We will show them how strong we are” he declares.
He informs the Politburo that as a show of strength, the ZAPAD 87 Exercises ('Exercise West'), pencilled in to start mid-June 87, will be on a scale never seen before.
He then meets with his General Staff and informs them of his plans. Some senior Soviet Generals (those with experience) quietly suspected that ZAPAD 87 would transition into a broader mobilisation and from there quite possibly to war. A later uplift in logistical preparations, including live ammunition, forward fuel stocks and additional rations, confirmed their suspicions.
May 15th (D-26)
Western TVD (Theatre of Military Operations - teatr voennykh deistvii) and GSFG (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany) begin discreet preparations readying for the upcoming exercise, which just happened to mimic exactly readiness for war.
Divisions in the Western TVD and Carpathian/Belarussian military districts began to recall reservists. These divisions form the bulk of Soviet second echelon formations. Some were informed they would be moved to East Germany to participate in the final stages of ZAPAD 87. The operational plan was detailed, and rail and transportation schedules were being worked on by various Headquarters in Germany, Poland, and Western USSR.
The operational plan for Western TVD during war was to provide follow on forces to the initial strategic offensive into West Germany. Overall strategic surprise was considered to be unrealistic, but a degree of surprise would be required for the operation to be successful. Moving this large number of troops, tanks aircraft and supplies to forward staging areas without arousing the suspicions of NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was next to impossible. The ZAPAD 87 exercise would give some cover for such a large movement of forces and also potentially give the WP (Warsaw Pact) the head start they needed to ensure some degree of surprise.
The hope was WP forces would be near 80% ready and NATO potentially still mobilising and deploying. Lead elements from GSFG were expected to be 100 kilometres inside West Germany when the second echelon forces arrived and were preparing for commitment.
This then was the plan that Chebrikov and his Chief of General Staff Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev, had in their minds, the Politburo and the rest of the General Staff would be informed closer to D-Day.
ZAPAD 87 would commence on June 2nd.
Chebriikov placed a large asterisk in his diary for the 17th June 1987
May 30th, 1987 (D-11)
Chebrikov met with his Chief of General Staff Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev at his private residence on the Black Sea.
Akhromeyev informed him mobilisation had generally been going to plan and their forces were prepared to commence ZAPAD 87 on 2nd June.
He mentioned there had been some problems in Poland with rail workers causing delays to the movement of Soviet troops and equipment. There are also currently problems in Gdansk which is earmarked as the staging area for planned amphibious operations in Jutland and Denmark.
Equipment and shipping are now being moved to Kaliningrad, but this could potentially mean a 24-hour delay to the amphibious operations planned.
But the biggest area of concern was NATO discovering ZAPAD 87 was nothing but a ruse for an attack on the Federal Republic of Germany.
May 31st (D-10)
General Rogers - Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) was sat in his Brussels HQ, mulling over the ever-increasing pile of paper on his desk, all pointing towards something not quite being right with ZAPAD 87. The number of stores being moved from known dumps to forward locations seemed to be unusually high for an exercise.
He was beginning to get a bad feeling and had pressed Washington about potentially cancelling all leave for senior NATO staff, or at least all US staff if other NATO members were cautious. But as of yet he had received no reply.
He was called to the Ops Room, it was General Farndale Northern Army Group (NORTHAG) Commander on the secure line. He informed Rogers that UK BRIXMIS personnel (British military liaison mission with Soviet GSFG) had got a look inside a broken down Zil truck (the crew were asleep) that had been heading west towards Magdeburg. The truck belonged to the 62nd Guards Tank Regiment (10th Guards Tank Division, part of 3rd Shock Army).
The truck was full of live 125mm tank ammunition. Farndale and Rogers asked the same question at the same time, why were truckloads of live ammo being delivered to forward staging areas for an exercise.
This information was passed up the line to both the US and UK Governments and on to other NATO member states.
June 1st (D-9)
The US and the UK, quietly agreed to unilaterally cancel all leave for Military personnel and recall all senior staff currently on leave.
NATO members (some reluctantly) agree that they will bring forward preparations for the autumn REFORGER series of exercises, CERTAIN STRIKE 87.
This was planned to be the largest REFORGER ("REturn of FORces to GERmany") exercise to date and the largest ever peacetime deployment of US troops to mainland Europe. It would see the bulk of US III Corps deploy to Europe and included over 35,000 troops, 1,400 tracked vehicles (including 267 Main Battle Tanks), more than 6,000 wheeled vehicles and 254 helicopters.
The main formations earmarked were the 1st US Cavalry Division, 2nd US Armoured Division, 4th US Infantry Division, 6th US Cavalry Brigade, two Field Artillery Brigades (the 75th & 631st) plus the 45th US Separate Infantry Brigade (a National Guard formation). There were numerous other support formations also being readied for deployment, including Engineer, Military Police, Intelligence and Transportation units.
In parallel with this the USAF would conduct Crested Cap 87, which would also see a large number of CONUS (continental United States) based aircraft deploy to Europe.
CERTAIN STRIKE was going to be an exceptional and unprecedented deployment. For the first time it was planned to be staged as a whole in the NORTHAG area of operations. All other REFORGER exercises to date had been conducted in the CENTAG (Central Army Group) area.
It also had the distinction of being the first army group FTX (Field Training Exercise) conducted in NORTHAG since Exercise Battle Royal in 1954.
June 2nd (D-8)
USN Military Sealift Command moves 4 ships (USNS Algol, Capella and Pollux as well as the Roll-on Roll-off ship American Eagle) to Galveston (Texas) and Baltimore (Maryland) ahead of schedule. These ships are earmarked for the transportation of most of the heavy equipment for US III Corps for the CERTAIN STRIKE REFORGER exercise. These ships were capable vessels and could get to their destination ports (Antwerp & Rotterdam) in 9 days.
Manpower for US III Corps main combat units would fly in to join their POMCUS equipment (Prepositioning Of Material Configured in Unit Sets) in various sites throughout Holland, Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), using USAF Military Airlift Command (MAC) aircraft (C-5s and C-141s). This process usually took anywhere from 72-96 hours depending on transport availability.
As a side note, CERTAIN STRIKE would see the first deployment of the new Apache AH-64 helicopter to mainland Europe.
ZAPAD 87 commences. The opening stages involve large numbers of mainly Soviet troops from 8th Guards Army deploying to the usual WP training ground just to the SE of Halle, East Germany. Concurrently exercises commence in Western USSR and in Hungary.
June 3rd (D-7) 10:00 hrs
Sankt Pölten Incident
Following a routine vehicle check by local police in the picturesque town of St Pölten (Austria), shots are fired and there’s reports of possible fatalities. This is only currently being reported locally.
St Pölten lies in Lower Austria situated approx. 40 Kms West of Vienna on the main A1 (E60) highway linking Vienna to Linz.
June 3rd (D-7) 12:00 hrs
The local police chief holds a press conference on national TV. He reports, “At 09:55 hrs this morning a hire van was stopped by police following a minor traffic violation. When the two officers approached the vehicle shots were fired by the occupants. Both officers died of their wounds at the scene. Other officers arrived and a further exchange of fire took place. Two further officers were wounded in the exchange and two occupants of the van were shot dead by my officers. It is believed there were four other occupants, these men entered the Das Alfred Hotel and a hostage situation now exists. We are doing all we can to secure the safe release of the hostages and currently it’s unknown how many are being held captive”.
He refused to take any questions as the situation is fluid and still unfolding.
Speculation grew throughout the day as to the nationality of the shooters. The press was reporting eyewitnesses had suggested the perpetrators were Russian speakers.
A further police update was expected at around 21:00.
June 3rd (D-7) 20:00 hrs
Soviet Foreign Minister, Eduard Shevardnadze releases a statement via the UN. He reports two Russian tourists have been gunned down by Austrian police and four more are being held captive inside a hotel in St Pölten, Austria. He demands the immediate release of the Russian tourists and their safe return to the Soviet Union, unharmed.
In no uncertain terms he makes it clear that Austria will be held responsible, and the consequences will be dire if any harm comes to the peaceful Soviet citizens who were on holiday sightseeing.
June 3rd (D-7) 21:00 hrs
The police chief updates the waiting worlds press. The situation remains unchanged inside the hotel, and it is confirmed the hostage takers are Russian. Questions naturally turn to the statement from the Soviet Foreign Minister regarding these men being Russian tourists.
He answers directly stating, “tourists don’t carry AK-74 Assault Rifles, they carry cameras”. He also states that various equipment found when searching their hire van points to the Russians potentially being GRU (foreign military intelligence agency) Special Forces.
He lists the items found in the vehicle and on the bodies of the two deceased Russians. 2 AK-74s, an SVD Sniper Rifle, a dozen HE Frag Grenades, several kilograms of Semtex explosive, communication equipment and maps of Southern Germany.
He concludes by saying “I don’t think anyone in their right mind accepts the Soviet statement that these were harmless tourists”.
At the same time as the press conference, Austrian intelligence contacts their US counterparts and informs them that detailed maps have been found on the Russians of Pirmasens, a POMCUS site in the Federal Republic and what looked like targeting information. This was all given covertly to the US Embassy in Vienna and from there passed directly to Washington.
June 4th (D-6) 06:00 hrs Kishinev Moldovia
Colonel Ivanov, commander of the 300th Guards Parachute Regiment (98th Guards Airborne Division) was making the final preparations for moving his Regiment into the field as part of the ZAPAD 87 exercises. His unit was to be airdropped directly into a training area in Hungary as part of the 38th Army exercises.
General Sokorov, his Division Commanding Officer (CO), came to the Regiment HQ and instructed Ivanov things had changed. His Regiment will remain in barracks on six hours’ notice to move. Live ammunition will be drawn, a briefing will follow shortly.
June 4th (D-6) 08:00 hrs
Chebrikov and his Chief of General Staff Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev meet at the Black Sea residence. Chebrikov informs him that considering unfolding events in Austria the assault to free the Federal Republic of Germany will be brought forward by one week.
H-Hour will be at 01:00 hrs on 10th June.
Army Group commanders are to be informed directly via courier to avoid any communication interception.
38th Army is to move to the Austrian border to prepare to support the release of Soviet “citizens” currently being held in St Pölten, should the need arise.
June 4th (D-6) 12:15 hrs
A lone shot rings out from outside the Das Alfred Hotel. It appears a twitchy police sniper has shot one of the Russians inside, his current status is unknown.
June 4th (D-6) 16:00 hrs
Colonel Ivanov is called to the Ops room where his CO informs him his Regiment will be loaded and airborne before midnight. As per the briefing received earlier, his Regiment will be landing at Voltendorf Airstrip, 2 Kms southwest of St Pölten. The airstrip will be secured in advance by a Spetsnaz detachment in a Heli-borne assault. His mission is to secure all entry and exit points from the town and send a company in to secure the release of the Soviet citizens. Freedom to engage as the situation requires has been granted. Current estimates suggest there are approximately 50 armed Austrian police personnel within St Pölten. The nearest Austrian Army units are approx. 10 kms to the Northeast at Hertzogenburg consisting of the Jägerbrigade 3.
June 4th (D-6) 23:00 hrs
24 SU-24M (Fencer-D) crossed into Austria at low level in two 12 aircraft packets.
The aircraft from the 328th Guards ORAP (Fighter Bomber Aviation Regt) belonging to the 11th GvIAD (11 Guards Fighter Aviation Division) were flying out of Kunmadaras air force base (AB) in Hungary.
Their mission was to render the Austrian Airforce combat ineffective.
Their two targets were the Austrian airfields of Thalerhof and Horsching, housing the Uberwachungsgeschwader (Fighter Wing) and Jagdbombergeschwader (Fighter-Bomber Wing) respectively.
The Su-24M was an updated version of the SU-24 which included inertial navigation and laser designators similar to the US Pave Track system. This gave them the ability to launch laser guided and TV guided munitions.
Within 15 minutes both airfields were put out of action with both being cratered in several places. 28 out of Austria’s total of 36 SAAB 105 jets were smouldering wrecks. No Soviet aircraft were lost to enemy fire, one crash landed back at Kunmadaras AB upon its return, the pilot escaped serious injury. The Austrian Airforce was no longer a concern!
June 4th (D-6) 23:40 hrs
Colonel Ivanov was sat in his AN-22 transport plane 10 minutes out from the Regiments target destination, Voltendorf Airstrip. The plane carried his Regimental HQ: 4 BMD-1’s in total, including his Command vehicle. His 1st Battalion had already been parachuted in and linked up with the Spetsnaz, they had now secured the area and the 2nd Battalion plus their BMD’s (over 60 in all) were currently being unloaded. Unfortunately, due to the small size of the airstrip this would potentially take several hours. Why didn’t we go for a major airport, he thought. It certainly would have made deployment a quicker process!
His Operations Officer estimated the entire Regiment, including supporting arms should be on the ground by 10:00 tomorrow (5th June).
June 5th (D-5) 00:15 hrs
Ivanov’s 2nd Battalion, formed up in their BMD-2s, moved off (along with the Spetsnaz Detachment) to secure St Pölten and release the Soviet citizens. One Company along with the ASU Company, AT Platoon and a small Engineer detachment headed east to set up a roadblock on the main A1 (E6) Highway. If the Austrian Jägerbrigade 3 did get any ideas about interfering there would be a nice reception party waiting for them.
June 5th (D-5) 02:00 hrs
The residents of St Pölten, along with what seemed half the world’s press who were currently camped in and around the town, were woken by the sound of sporadic gunfire. It seemed to be emanating from all around town not just in the hotel. Power was down so reports reaching the outside world were very sketchy.
June 5th (D-5) 09:00 hrs
The world awoke to pictures of Russian paratroopers and armoured vehicles on the streets of St Pölten.
It appears overnight the Russians have freed their “citizens” from the Das Alfred Hotel. Reports suggest that several were killed along with numerous hostages and a large number of Austrian Police personnel. Russian paratroopers are forcibly removing members of the numerous western press associations and confiscating most of their equipment.
Diplomatically things are also chaotic. NATO convenes a meeting of the council for later in the day and the UN condemns the violence on both sides and calls for restraint.
It appears the Russians informed Austria overnight that if any of their forces left barracks they would be destroyed, and Soviet ground forces would be forced to enter the Country to protect their Airborne troops.
Militarily the Russians move elements of the 38th Army, currently on exercise in Hungary, to a location closer to the Hungary-Austrian border.
The US places its Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF) on notice to move. USNS Algol, Capella, Pollux, and American Eagle (now all fully loaded) are instructed to prepare to leave Galveston and Baltimore ahead of schedule during darkness, after the routine Soviet satellite pass. They will arrive in European ports and begin unloading late on June 13th.
Austria begins to call up reserves.
Opinion amongst NATO Allies is split, the Dutch, Belgians and Germany are cautious and do not wish these series of events to cascade into a wider conflict. The French appear to be on the fence urging dialogue between both sides. Reagan and Thatcher along with somewhat surprisingly the Italians suggest a more robust response. The Italians especially, fear a Soviet attack and occupation of Austria as this would open the “back door” into Italy without the need of passing through a potentially hostile Yugoslavia.
June 6th (D-4) 08:00 hrs
Clashes are being reported in Melk, Austria between Soviet Airborne forces and an Austrian Reserve unit belonging to LandwehrRegiment 31.
June 6th (D-4) 12:00 hrs
A US Satellite pass detects elements of 38th Army forming up in several columns and heading towards the Austrian border. This is also confirmed by a U-2 surveillance aircraft flying out of Akrotiri, the UK base on Cyprus.
June 6th (D-4) 18:00 hrs
Reagan addresses the World and declares a multi-National Force, with contingents from the US, UK, Italy, and France will deploy into Austria at the request of the Austrian Government.
This force will be under the direct command of the US RDJTF and not NATO. It will include the US 82nd Airborne Division, the 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment from the UK, the 2 ėme REP from France and the Folgore Parachute Brigade from Italy. Lead elements will be on the ground by the 7th of June.
June 7th (D-3) 01:00 hrs
Two columns of Soviet armour, one from the 13th Guards Tank Division the other from the 19th Guards Tank Division cross the border into Austria.
The Soviets declare they have no designs on Austria other than ensuring their Airborne forces currently deployed in and around St Pölten are secured and able to safely leave the country.
They again warn Austria against any military interference. So far, the Austrians are heeding their request (after private consultations with the US).
June 7th (D-3) 08:00 hrs
SACEUR had just finished giving a briefing to his NORTHAG and CENTAG air and ground commanders from his HQ in Casteau, Mons, Belgium. He had brought his commanders fully up to date with current events and informed them Washington believes the WP will move against NATO sometime in the next seven days. He also informed them what would be announced today politically, from the US and NATO Nations that would potentially be facing the brunt of a WP attack into Central Europe.
Warning orders were issued, and Tactical HQs were to prepare to move into pre-recced wartime locations. Currently NATO combat units are restricted to barracks due to political considerations. But some of the Covering Force (mainly Reconnaissance) elements have been given clearance to move closer to their wartime deployment areas near the Inner-German Border (IGB). If a complete surprise attack is launched by the WP in the coming days NATO will at least have a screen of sorts in place behind which their main combat Brigades can deploy.
June 7th (D-3) 08:30 hrs
The Military Governor, Major General Patrick Brooking looked at the signal on his desk. From Commander of the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR), General Sir Martin Farndale, marked 'Secret', and addressed to him, the Commandant of the British Berlin Garrison.
'It has been decided that under the circumstances, the increasing tensions between the West and the General Secretary of the Soviet Union, Victor Chebrikov, and the hostile activity being conducted against Austria, that the planned visit by President Reagan and his wife on the 12th of June should be cancelled.'
This was the third time he'd read it. The Intelligence he was receiving from NORTHAG and BAOR, indicated that war may well be on the horizon. The Black Watch Regiment, The Kings Own Scottish Borderers Regiment, Gloucestershire Regiment, and the 14th/20th Hussars Squadron were already on alert and preparing for the potential defence of Berlin.
And with the increased stocks for FRIS, the Family Ration Issue System, sent to Berlin during the previous week, it would potentially keep the Garrison supplied with food for at least 2 months. If they survived that long, he thought...
June 7th (D-3) 15:00 hrs
President Reagan again addresses the world; the main military takes from the speech are as follows:
The multi-National Force is currently landing in Austria, the 2nd Brigade 82nd Airborne (325th Parachute Infantry Regiment) has flown non-stop from the US and parachuted in. The rest of the Division will follow in the coming days.

REFORGER has been fully activated and III Corps, in its entirety, will be shipped to Europe to marry up with their pre-positioned equipment in various POMCUS Sites. A large chunk of their equipment is already on the way on four USNS fast transports having slipped out of Galveston and Baltimore about 36 hours ago.
Secretary of Defence has activated the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). During the next 12 hours civilian airliners will begin moving to embarkation bases throughout the US. C-5s and C-141s from Military Airlift Command (MAC) will be airborne within the hour starting the largest airlift of military personnel and equipment in history.
June 7th (D-3) 18:00 hrs
Clashes are reported between lead elements of 13th Guards Tank Division and Austrian Landwehr units in the area of Weiner Neustadt, about 40 Kms south of Vienna. Austrian Regular forces are still confined to their bases in the hope a full-on Soviet assault can be avoided. Most in the Austrian Government are beginning to accept the reality that with the best part of 2 Soviet Guards Tank Divisions inside their territory this is already underway!
It is decided if the Soviets are seen to be closing on Vienna that the Austrian Army will be given free rein to engage. Already the ruling classes are beginning to pack their bags and leave, the roads westbound from the capital are grid locked.
US F-15s from the 36th Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) out of Bitburg FRG, begin flying CAP (combat air patrol) missions over western Austria covering the deployment of the Multi-National Force.
June 8th (D-2) 08:00 hrs
Chief of General Staff Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev currently located at his forward HQ bunker in Wunsdorf, Zossen East Germany, prepares written orders for his Army Commanders. The detailed Army plans have been in place for many years and have been practiced time and again. Army and Divisional commanders were aware of the operational objectives and understood their roles in the overall plan. All that was really required is the date and timings for H-Hour. Most of his experienced senior Commanders have seen the writing on the wall for some time now and have been quietly making their own preparations.
His Op order confirms 10th June 01:00 hrs as H-Hour. All ZAPAD 87 exercises will cease as of 12:00 hrs on the 9th and those units currently deployed on the exercise areas will be formed up, refuelled, and rearmed. They will commence hostilities from their current locations as will units currently located within their barracks.
Strict “Radio Silence” will be enforced from 18:00 hrs (9th) and no unit will move until confirmation is given over the command net from the Chief of General Staff.
Activation code words to GRU/Spetsnaz Sleeper Cells currently located in Western Europe and the UK have been sent. These units will commence their sabotage and disruption missions from midnight tonight.
NATO Military Liaison Mission Teams, currently monitoring ZAPAD 87, who operate out of Potsdam, will be “confined to quarters” as of 08:00 9th June.
In Austria it appears the 13th Guards Tank Division has turned west away from Vienna and looks to be heading to Sankt Pölten, spearheads are currently just outside the town of Alland. The Russians reiterate their mission is to link up with the Airborne forces currently on the ground and then leave Austria.
Throughout NATO Countries, mobilisation of their considerable reserves is now well underway.
France fully commits its armed forces to the defence of Western Europe and places them under the command of NORTHAG. They also state that they retain complete control of their Nuclear Forces, and their potential use is a matter solely for the French Government not NATO.
REFORGER is now well under way, with considerable US manpower arriving by the hour to link up with their prepositioned equipment (in POMCUS sites located in the FRG, Holland and Belgium). The 2nd US Armored Division should be fully Reforged in approx. 96 hours. The UK 2nd Infantry Division and several French Divisions will also be deployed to the FRG in about the same timeframe.
June 8th (D-2) 21:00 hrs
The UK BRIXMIS team was heading back to their quarters in Potsdam after spending the day observing elements of 3rd Shock Army conducting their exercises on the Altengrabow Training Area.
As they negotiated a tight bend just south of Brandenburg, they noticed what appeared to be a recent traffic accident. A Russian military UAZ jeep was in a ditch still smouldering having left the road and hit a tree. On closer inspection both occupants were deceased from the impact. There was still a strong smell of alcohol in the vehicle and an empty Vodka bottle in the passenger foot well.
In the rear of the vehicle were several document cases marked Secret, these were removed, and they continued on to Potsdam.
June 8th (D-2) 22:00 hrs
Gen Rodgers (SACEUR) begins briefing all his subordinate commanders. It appears the document cases proved to be an intelligence gold mine, giving the West exactly what they were lacking. Namely the start date and time the Warsaw Pact would commence hostilities.
On completion Gen Rodgers entered a private briefing given by Air Chief Marshal Sir Joseph Gilbert, Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe (COMAAFCE) and Gen Charles l. Donnelly Jr. Commander USAF Europe (COMUSAFE). Gen Donnelly briefed SACEUR on Operation “BLACK SABRE”.
On completion, SACEUR contacted his superiors in Washington via the secure link.
June 9th (D-23 hours) 02:00 hrs
Soviet special operations teams begin their series of pre-planned attacks. Over 20 teams are in place within the FRG. Their targets include Airbases, Headquarters, POMCUS sites, ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM) and Pershing dispersion sites, infrastructure (especially the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp) and potentially targeted assassinations if viable.
In the main, NATO security forces deal with these and inflict numerous casualties on the Spetsnaz, GRU and KGB operatives. Due mainly to the current heightened state of alert following confirmation of the impending WP attack.
The Soviet special forces do have several notable successes. The Headquarters of the Dutch 4th Division located at Harderwijk is hit hard, the Divisional Commander and most of his senior staff are eliminated.
In Rotterdam Seaport, a large container ship is adrift and burning within the harbour complex which has currently stopped all inbound cargo from docking (including shipping linked to REFORGER).
June 9th (D-16 hours) 09:00 hrs
A large explosion rips through the newly constructed Hamburg City Hall, the Mayor and most of the 121 members of the Hamburg Parliament are killed or seriously wounded.
June 9th (D-15 hours) 10:00 hrs
SACEUR receives the go ahead for “BLACK SABRE”, he informs the commanders of his Air forces to make it happen.
June 9th (D-13 hours) 12:00 hrs
BBC Midday News - A photograph of the iconic three geodesic radar domes, located at RAF Fylingdales, was the studio backdrop as the BBC News presenter informed the public that four men had been shot and killed during the early hours of this morning. What sounded like gunfire had been heard at around three am in the morning by the residents of Lewisham and Lockton, who immediately notified the police. They said the gunshots went on for a good thirty minutes and initially thought it was a nighttime exercise, but contacted the police as they were unsure.
A police statement handed to us today said the following: A party of four males were discovered close to the control centre of the RAF Flyingdales ballistic missile early warning service, which is currently under Bikini Amber alert. When challenged by an RAF police patrol, they opened fire, wounding one of the policemen. A gun fight ensued, and the four intruders were shot, three killed instantly, one died on his way to the hospital. We are currently investigating the circumstances but believe this was a serious attempt by a hostile force to destroy the control centre.
12:00 hrs Wunsdorf East Germany
Orders are issued to cease ZAPAD exercises and units are being rearmed and refueled and begin forming up for their move west into the FRG.
June 9th (D-7 hours) 18:00 hrs
The duty Ops Officer at RAF Lakenheath enters the Ops Room to start his usual 12-hour shift.
He’s horrified to see wall to wall “brass” gathered round the various consoles and desks. The thing that concerned him the most was his dress; he still had his trainers on and had forgotten his tie. How long before I get the mother of all rollicking’s, he thought!
The last time he saw anything like this was the night F-111’s, from the 48th TFW, had taken off from RAF Lakenheath to hit Libya just over a year ago in April ‘86.
He was approached by the Chief of the Air Staff (Air Chief Marshall Sir David Craig) and informed a C-5 Galaxy would be arriving within the hour along with an E3 AWACS and at approx. 22:00 (just after dark) 8 Aircraft would also be touching down. The aircraft call signs would be Bravo Sierra 1 through to 10.
All perimeter and runway lighting will be switched off and the aircraft will be moved to a hardened hanger in the back corner of the airfield. Protection will be provided by 15th Squadron, RAF Regiment (Light Armoured), several Scorpions are already in situ.
18:00 hrs Wunsdorf East Germany
The order for radio silence is issued from Chief of General Staff Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev. Several specialist signals units located at widely dispersed locations throughout East Germany continue radio traffic as normal, so suspicions are not raised across the IGB in the FRG.
June 9th (D-3 hours) 22:00 hrs
8 aircraft touch down at RAF Lakenheath and are moved to the secure hanger out of view from prying eyes. Even the duty Ops Officer was unable to identify them due to the darkness. All he knew from the duty air traffic control operators where they were American pilots.
June 9th (D-90 mins) 23:30 hrs
6 F-117 Nighthawk Stealth aircraft from the 4450th Tactical Group, took off from Lakenheath heading southeast. This aircraft was still a “black project” and many even in the Pentagon didn’t yet know of its existence.
Each aircraft was armed with two GBU 27s (Laser guided “bunker busters”).
Their targets were the three main forward operating bunkers for the major commands currently operating in East Germany. Northern Group Forces HQ, GSFG HQ and Belorussian HQ. The supposedly secret locations had been known to NATO intelligence for some time.
June 10th (D-30 mins) 00:30 hrs
The six GBU-27s hit home with devastating accuracy. All of the commanders and most senior staff for all three Soviet Army groups currently located at their forward command bunkers in East Germany are killed or seriously wounded.
June 10th (D-15 mins) 00:45 hrs
Of the over one million combatants facing each other across the IGB only a handful are aware of the unfolding events in East Germany. Those in the NATO Operations Room at Mons, RAF Lakenheath and a select few in the Pentagon eagerly await the first Battle Damage Assessments (BDA) from Operation BLACK SABRE.
In his Command Bunker at Wunsdorf, East Germany, Chief of General Staff Marshal Sergei F. Akhromeyev is beginning to sense something has gone awry. He’s received several reports of explosions, but all communications are now currently down, and Radio Silence is still in effect until he decrees otherwise.
10th June (H-Hour) 01:00 hrs
Chaos reigns in East Germany, Akhromeyev issues the order to attack but his calls were going unanswered. NATO Electronic Warfare assets are currently disrupting pretty much everything on the electromagnetic spectrum east of the IGB.
He is still completely unaware his Army Group Command structure has been decapitated and that waves of F-111s and Tornadoes were in the midst of a very successful pre-emptive counter air offensive.
Over the coming hours Instead of a simultaneous surprise WP attack, formations are moving forward in a piecemeal manner as communications are intermittent at best……………
We plan to release CERTAIN STRIKE 87 with the forthcoming Danube Front ’85 version 4.05 update. As a reminder this will be a 3-week campaign in Central Europe, in June 1987.
All going well, we are planning another blog post covering the design decisions and new inclusions in the Certain Strike 87 campaign scenario.
More soon!
Hi Pat
I feel like a man about to tell a child Father Christmas is not real
Pat, none of it happened mate
It’s a bedtime story
Very interesting scenario, but there was never a victory parade on May 9th, 1987
Is there all a release date know?
Looks great!
I can hardly wait.
When is it coming out
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