Eagles Strike Preview

As we approach the mid-point in our Winter Sale we wanted to take a moment and share some preview information on the next Squad Battles title to receive an update. Eagles Strike is set to receive the graphics and engine update shortly. Hopefully before the end of the year, but definitely in January if that initial target is missed.

Eagles Strike comes with over 100 scenarios focused on the United States involvement on the Western Front in WWII - primarily in France, but there's a scattering of scenarios from other regions as well. Before we share some screen shots we want to remind you of the Sale details:

All games that have been out longer than 12 months have been reduced 25% (to $29.95). Only four titles are not included in that:

Philippines '44
Great Northern War
Orel '43
Thirty Years War

In addition to the discount per title, you can also take advantage of a further 20% discount if you make a purchase of $199.00 or more at one time. This discount is Automatic and will be applied as soon as you cross the $199 threshold - and this discount will be taken off the contents of the entire order, no restrictions for any titles. The only exception is Gift Cards do not have their price discounted.


In addition we want to remind you that you can set your preferences to use your Local Currency, if you are outside the US. Login to your Store Account, and then at the bottom of the page select the desired currency.

Ok, back to Eagles Strike. This update will also include all the engine changes rolled out in previous updates. You can read the Changelog from the Advance of the Reich update here. And, as before, this update will be Free to existing owners of the game... so if you are thinking about grabbing it you can do so today at the sale price and you will be able to acquire the updated version when it becomes available at no additional cost.

Here's some screen shots to show you what's in store... all images can be clicked for full size.


We hope everyone is enjoying the sale and picking up lots of new content to keep you occupied. You can check out further game details on the product page for Eagles Strike.



  • Harry

    ES is Beautiful! Great job…have not even gotten into the nuts and bolts…but the eye candy has made a girlfriend with a great personality a trophy wife. Well done.

  • Steve

    More new scenarios for all the squad battle series

  • Alfonso

    Would it be possible to implement fog in the game’s weather parameters? There are times when there is no storm or heavy rain, and in certain geographical areas more than others, and at times of the year more than others, fog forms, for example. coastal areas that reduce visibility for a few hours.

  • David

    Why does the attack on Cheneux appear to be downhill when it was actually uphill?

  • Gil Verthaim

    4 new titles, major overhaul of M&P and a fourth remaster of SB in one year. Great job WDS.

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