Resources - Clubs
WDS/JTS Wargame Opponent Group | Facebook group, covers all the different WDS/JTS series of games. |
WDS Opponent Finder | Private Facebook group to find opponents for all the WDS games. |
The Blitz Wargaming Club | Covers all the different WDS/JTS series of games. |
American Civil War Game Club | ACWGC - focuses on the Civil War Battles series of games. |
Napoleonic Wargaming Club | NWC - focuses on the Napoleonic Battles series of games. |
The Colonial Campaigns Club | CCC - focuses on the EAW series of games. |
Discord Group: The Wargaming Club | TWC - covers all the different WDS/JTS series of games. |
Wargamers Club for Gentlemen | WGCG - Supports all WDS/JTS games with a league and tournaments. |
Punta de Lanza | Supports all WDS/JTS games for the Spanish speaking community. |
Reddit group |
Discussion group on Reddit focused on the WDS/JTS Games. |
Discord Group: Hex! | See the #john-tiller-wds channel under Hex! |