Crusades Book I - Preview

Today we are pleased to bring you a preview of another upcoming game. This time we not only introduce a brand new title, but also a brand new series! Sword & Siege is a new venture for us, reaching back in time to the Middle Ages, before gunpowder and firearms were dominant forces on the battlefield. Many of the features of the Crusades — sieges, heavy cavalry and infantry, horse archers and others — are applicable not only to the Middle Ages but even Ancient times. We are testing the water here and will be assessing reception of this new series. If it goes well, there's virtually no limits to the number of topics we can cover. Rome, Ancient Greece, and on...
We are reasonably certain that you will be able to get your hands on this title within the next six months, possibly sooner. With that said, it is still under development so all content shared here is subject to further refinement prior to release.
We are beginning with the Siege of Nicaea in 1097, and ending with the Siege of Damascus in 1148. A period of 51 years. 

In very simple terms, the First Crusade was a military campaign with the objective of “liberating” the holy city of Jerusalem from its current governing powers, that being followers of the Islamic faith. To most medieval Christians, there was very little understanding of Islam. They believed that those that followed Islam were Anti-Christian and were therefore members of a faith led by false prophets. As such, it was intolerable that the holiest city in all of Christendom could be governed by such people.

So why now? Jerusalem had been in the hands of Muslims for over 450 years. It was in 638 that Jerusalem was first taken by the Rashidun Caliphate under Umar ibn al-Khattab. The catalyst was a letter to Pope Urban II from the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos. In this letter, the emperor appealed, as fellow a Christian, that help be sent to his lands to ward off the menace of the Muslim advance. If the Muslims could capture the Byzantine capital of Constantinople, then all of Europe would be under threat of Islamic conversion.

Pope Urban II answered this call for help, and traveled to southern France to deliver a sermon that would ask all those that loved Christ to stop killing other Christians, and promised complete absolution to all those that would take a vow, travel to the Holy Land, and retake Jerusalem. If they would do this, they would be forgiven all their sins. And if killed in battle, their place in Heaven would be guaranteed. This vow stipulated that they could not return to Europe until their vow had been fulfilled. This critical speech took place in Clermont Auvergne on the 27th of November 1095. And so our exploration begins...

The scale for this new series is 40 meter hexes and 10-minute turns. The game is playable from either side — Crusaders or Muslim forces (based on the specific scenario).

You will be able to command units with an array of weaponry, from infantry armed with swords, axes, maces, and bows, through cavalry with lances, swords and bows, to siege weapons such as the Mangonel, Trebuchet, Onager, Ballista, Battering Rams and Siege Towers. Create the breach and storm the fortress or man the walls and hurl the attackers back! There will be loads of intense combat to be had with the forces provided. Included Muslim forces are Seljuk, Fatimid Caliphate, and other Islamic Allies. The Crusaders include various forces from Christian Europe, Constantinople, and Jerusalem.

Combat is not limited to sieges and assaulting fortified towns either. There are battles on the plains which will take place as a relief force dispatched to try and lift a siege. There are ambush situations where Crusader columns are engulfed by mounted Muslim forces swirling around them and raining arrows from all sides. Or large pitched battles in open terrain where the armies come to grips and try to eliminate their opponents. With better than 60 scenarios to choose from, Crusades: Book I will have a lot of gameplay to offer.

Here's some suggested reading to get yourself acquainted with this time period:

Then this is the first of a three volume set. Amazon has all three available.

Also, the channel Epic History has some video content on the subject:


We have tailored both 2D and 3D graphics and a range of period-specific forces and rules. Though again, all is currently work in progress, here are some example screenshots from this title. As with most of our series this game will have three 2D views and two 3D views. Additionally there will be three different 2D Symbol sets you can pull from.

(All images can be clicked for full sized viewing.)

We hope you have enjoyed this preview today. Again, this isn't too terribly far from release, so you'll be able to get your hands on it in the first half of 2025 if all goes well.

Happy New year!



  • Colonel (Ret) Wilbur E Gray

    Call me a heretic, but I much prefer the massed formations look now used in the Napoleonic series ala Campaign Waterloo-Final Struggle. Given that your intent is to at least partially replicate the look of a tabletop miniatures game, the military unit sprites look kinda dinky, sorta like you are having a total of four (04) Knights Templar assaulting the thickest part of the wall at Jerusalem. Any chance for an option here?

  • Axel Prieto

    When are you coming to Steam? You’re missing out on a lot of potential sales.

  • Scott

    I really looking forward to this and will definitely be grabbing it first opportunity. I have played a ton of Field of Glory, DBM, and the old HPS Ancients titles. This is very exciting.

  • Frank

    Amazing! I cannot wait for this one!

  • Gris

    This looks fantastic, I for one cannot wait to play this series of game.

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