First World War Campaigns - New Map Graphics Preview.

Hi All,

There is additional new content coming for version 4.05!

We have been very fortunate that Jison has made available new 2D map graphics for the First World War Campaigns series. This includes the first ever hi-resolution graphics for this series. In addition, the ‘normal’ zoom level graphics have been enhanced to match the new hi-resolution offerings.

A number of graphical changes were made in the 4.04 release including aligning the First World War Campaign series graphics with the Panzer Campaigns layouts. That will continue in version 4.05.

The images we are sharing are currently work in process, but they will give a good idea of what is coming. Beyond the terrain, counters and other symbols have all been updated.

We are planning to rollout version 4.05 after Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk ’43 is released. All series will be enhanced with the features (plus more!) listed in our recent quarterly update blog post here.

Here are some old and new comparisons:

100 Zoom level



200 Zoom level



Without further ado here are some sample screen shots from each of the three released titles.

First World War Campaigns: France ‘14


First World War Campaigns: East Prussia ’14


First World War Campaigns: Serbia ’14

We hope you agree, the new graphics are impressive, we can’t wait to share them with you!

Finally, we are adding images to the scenario selection screen. This had previously been implemented in Panzer Battles. We are hopeful we will be able to include this for the 4.05 updates as well. Here is a work-in-progress shot from France '14

On another topic, we continue to come across people who aren't aware of our Free Menu Program. This is a nice utility that allows you to access not only all the available programs that ship with each game, but the documentation as well. This is located off our Support page, then "Other Downloads".

Just install to the default folder - or if you install into custom folders place it in the root/base folder of where your games are installed. For example, I use D:\Games\... the program will pick up all WDS games installed up to two levels deep. What that means is, you can have your games installed by series or time period and it will group them together. See the screen shot below for one example:

It is important to note that the program only looks in the parent folder it is installed to, and other folders below that. It does not search your hard drive as a whole... so if you have some games in C:\WDS and others in C:\John Tiller Software the Menu will only pick up those in C:\WDS where it installs to. This should become less of a problem as all titles are migrated to new full installers - which the bulk of our catalogue is at this point. 

Please keep visiting the WDS site for the latest news, or make certain you are subscribed to our email updates for the latest.


  • Carlos Gomes

    Hi, I have to agree with Juan Ortiz, not possible to make the size of the 2D units on the map as same as PzC ?

  • Juan Manuel Ortiz

    David, can’t the size of the chips be made the same as in the PzC series? In this series the size of the chips are square and smaller than in the PzC. It’s the only drawback I have, they don’t convince me. Thanks you!

  • Harry Miktarian

    Always been a huge fan of Jison’s work. Love his palette, so clean, clear and sexy. If WDS just took out the Jison hose and sprayed the whole catalog I would be a happy man ;) Many, many have commented in various places the huge step all of the games have taken in the graphics department…but I will say it again…everything has seen a big improvement IMO, well done! …ready for Steam if you ask me ;)

  • Morgan Pasap

    I much prefer the old graphics too me they make the game look more lively and unique compared to the new ones

  • Ian Coyle

    Graphics are always pretty subjective but I agree that the Town/Woods graphics did look better in Jison. Its difficult but sometimes you want terrain to stay within a hex to make it easier to identify hexes but sometimes you want it to go to the edges to create a spread effect for visual purposes

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