- I wish I had more time to help with testing, but think that widening the numbers and range will help. I get the impression that there is a lot of good will towards WDS which is well merited imo.
- Why hasn't the FWW series gotten the enhanced 2-D map graphics yet. I was told it would be with the next release. It takes about six years to develop a new game in the series which would mean a wait of three more years.
- You guys are running hot! Great work
- You’re doing well, dare I say the best care is being provided ever of these game series.
- Keep up the good work. But it's time to get back to Panzer Battles!
- Please release the games on Steam.
- Not sure if this survey is working on my Android phone. Unable to tick boxes. I have recently returned to John Tiller games. I have played them since Battleground days to HPS. WDS have made some very good improvements to realism and playability.
- I love the direction WDS is taking in last couple years. Keep it up.
- Would like to have mid game save and exit point, which you can return to a a later date. In other words pick up exactly where you exit the game, handy when playing a MEGA campaign.
- You hear "Stronger AI" all the time, and since I mostly play solo campaigns, I can only add my voice to the chorus. Of course, most ideally, a selectable stronger AI (one with levels of play, if only a few).
- I love the work that WDS does. I'm way behind on playing the games that I've purchased, but I still keep buying about twice a year/ The improvement to the games has really increased since John died. Keep up the good work.
- Only the usual - a desire to see a better A.I. and more scenarios able to utilize it. Also, I have found some scenario errors (mostly with the CWB series) that need correcting. One of these days I'll get around to notifying you. Oh, and I think you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
- I have been a customer back to the HPS day's and have a good number of the game CD's still, under my desk here. They are fun to play. I have no other game system that has stood the test of time for so long or that I play regular. Please keep it up. How about some more WWII games that deal with the West Front??
- Rich Hamilton has provided fantastic support. The communication that WDS has started is outstanding.
- Would like to see more PzC games on the Pacific - Burma perhaps? For Napoleonic or earlier - more non-Western games - maybe India? What about a Franco-Prussian War game?
- i like the game selection, but any interest in branching out into conflicts from earlier ages?
- standardization of shortcuts across all series was a major improvement. Would love to see more scenarios with explicit supply system.
- Any chance of having a font size option for unit information?
- Incredibly impressed with the improvements you are making to the games (that Paradox would have charged a fortune for by the way). Really looking forward to more Panzer Campaigns/First World War Campaigns games !
- I would love to see some optional rules added to the CW series. Dismounted cavalry is not handled well currently. I would say you can not keep the Rebs out of Gettysburg on day 1 without having Buford's 2 brigades mauled. Also I would like the firing effects from the Napoleon series moved into the CW series.
- As a long time fan of JT games, starting back in the HPS days, it is remarkable seeing what WDS is doing, and on such a grand scale, too. Quite impressive and you guys should be very proud of your where you are at, right now. Keep up the great work!
- Hi just wanted to say that WDS does a great work and that I hope this never stops. Cheers
- I would love to see a Napoleonic/ACW series at the operational level. Something like the GCACW series of board games.
- I subscribe to your newsletter.
- You are amazing, guys! The best turn-based wargames. I own 35 of your games, including all Civil War Napoleonic and Old America series, and 2/3 from Musket & Pike - unfortunately, Great Northern War was released after Russian bank cards (I'm from there) were suspended in the world due to the war. But one day I'll buy it too :-)
- Would like AI improved to make a more realistic result.
- Congrats for the great improvement of the games. it is impressive. AI and esthetic should still improve on some game, but we know it is WIP. For example the esthetic improvement of the units on Squad Battle is amazing, concerning Napoleon battles is still not at the best.
- As a Panzer Battles (mainly, but also PzC and Napoleonic Battles) player since 2017 I am grateful to WDS for the work you have done to bring all the other series up to this gold standard. Please free up David to complete PzB Moscow:)
- You are doing great stuff!
- I need a translation in italian language. A better examples to understand game system.
- No, but thank you for continuing to engage with the WDS community and keep the long standing games fresh and up to date, as well as creating additional campaigns.
- It's awesome you are updating all your games. You're new games are great as well. Looking forward to Early American Wars updates and hopefully, there will be more Musket & Pike games.
- Playing another human is great and finding opponents is difficult (I play the Civil War series mostly). I have found one opponent on the WDS forum and another on The Wargaming Society, both play regularly. [Did have one opponent from the forum who disappeared - he was great for improving my game as he always beat me - for nearly 9 months. The last game I was finally starting to have an advantage and he stopped emailing. Not sure what happened as he doesn't answer anymore.] My comment then is how else can we encourage players to play humans? I was intrigued that The Wargaming Society has a campaign ongoing where the ultimate winner gets a free WDS game. I was too late to enter it but would next time. I also like how they track and post game results. I am only on my second game there though but the opponent and our current scenario have been extremely fun. I wonder if the Steam Community has those old Grognards who don't know about WDS. I'm not on that much except for virtual reality flight sims. Thank you for your games and the PBEM option - it has gotten me back into gaming :)
- Keep all the great stuff up!
- I would love to see a panzer battle pacific game title at some point and a panzer battle European post Normandy
- I know WDS mainly by being a member of the ACWGC. I think you guys could get some great expansion and revitalization ideas for your games from Blake Strickler who is perhaps one the most active members of the ACWGC. He has some fantastic suggestions on how to improve existing product as well on expanding new material. Somebody there needs to contact him - it would be a worthwhile effort I am sure $$$$$ for WDS
- Hello, do you have any plans to update the Mexican American War game? While not as popular as the Civil War series, I believe more people would be drawn to it if the game interface was updated to that of the ACW titles to include map graphics/icon graphics, tool bar functionality, and use of quick keys. Thank you
- Thanks for being a Great company and for all the Fun and knowledge I get from your games over the years.
- Maybe you can create a mobile version (I remember there was some long time ago). I think a good idea would be to create tutorial videos on YouTube (in parts).
- I love history and your games brings history alive for me.
- Would be nice to have some ancient warfare games…Roman, Alexander the Great, etc
- You guys are fantastic! Keep up the great work! I mainly play WDS games to fill a gap from the old board wargaming days when I used to play SPI, GDW, MMP and other games face to face. I love the quality and detail you put into every game and each update. Thank you.
- Love the work you have pumped out since the new company formed. Nothing against JT but your improvements and new content are awesome. Keep it up, I'll keep buying.
- getting older, re: wish the user interface, icons were more scalable,
- Are there plans to use detached skirmishers for infantry and to change cavalry to squadrons where applicable similar to the Nappy series Also are there plans in the Nappy series to allow for artillery to cause solid object damage to fortifications other than bridges (such as chateaus that are being defended by skirmishers, forests in addition loss of men Finally due current alrtillery algorithims adjust for a battery firing on the same target gaining accuracy, and is fire adjusted for loss of sight for smoke
- Panzer Battles-Stalingrad please. Pretty please w/ sugar.
- Did anyone pick up on my suggestion: The big what if? That is, Stalin's Red Army purge did not happen. Tukhachevesky takes the offensive in Poland in the summer of 1940. Just see the map page 248 and accompanying text in Germany and The Second World War Vol 4 (Oxford).
- More games: Denmark + Norway '40 / Greece + Crete '41 / Army Group North '41 to '45
- The regular updates have increased my interest in the games. I like that these games now have their own dedicated site/ forums. In the past I would go to different wargame club sites to find out what was happening with the games.
- You are absolutely outstanding! I love your dedication to what you do. Keep up the good work!
- Give the Strategic War series some love, please. Organizational colors, HQ heirarchy, move detailed maps, some eye-candy like roads.
- It seems that some games series receive multiple updates while some receive none or few. I am waiting for air power updates, naval campaigns, and most of the squad battles updates. I have many squad battles games but have only managed to update Winter War.
- Ya'll have made some changes and I like 'em and am glad to see you keeping things moving into the future with new games and updates for old games.
- For God's sake develop the AI as a priority. I don't play PBEM and the AI is so bad that I'm driven to hotseat, which isn't really the best fun ever. I thought you had said - when you took over - that AI development would be a priority? At any rate, the first survey highlighted that as a user choice, no? Plus, Berto is on your team and he programs CS and CSV has an AI (with painstaking scripting, I believe, through the CSEE) that is certainly good enough to play against - so why can't that happen for some WDS games? Please!
- Great updates!! Would love to see game on American civil war wooden ships and iron clads!
- Excited about thirty years war. Hoping to see war of Spanish succession. Also Panzer battle in Pacific Theatre
- I've found the WDS (Tiller) games to be some of the easiest to learn to play, and still very true to basic tactical and operational concepts. I've tried a few others from time to time, but always end up coming back to these, as they are realistic, fun and educational. I guess if I had any "wishes", it might be for some "update packs" for the Modern Campaigns. I've tried to make my own by playing around editing some systems characteristics, but confess I've not been satisfied with the results. Direct and indirect fire surface-to-surface munitions haven't really changed all that much since '85, and where they have it's plausible to "tweak" vulnerability or lethality parameters, though with believably modest changes in outcomes. However, there are many air-to-ground PGMs that probably have quite a noticeable effect on platform survivability and system effectiveness (sorties required for certain effects, basically), and I've not figured out any way to "tweak" that in a believable fashion. Overall, the basic game-play lends itself to actual thoughtful planning and obedience to principles. The interface (GUI) is more than sufficient to support the play, and I love the homework that WDS puts into campaign and scenario development. Overall, BZ and keep up the great work!
- Is there anyway to request feature and UI changes/updates? Similar to a suggestion box for every game series. Seems like posts get lost on the forums and no developer gets to see them.
- Thank you for doing this. Just keep doing what you been doing. The improvements are fantastic. Can't wait for 30 years war. I will be buying.
- Thank you for continuing to update your products
- WDS and it’s staff have greatly enriched my hobby and I thank you for your hard work
- Please finish up WWII in your Squad Battles system. There is an obvious opening for the Blitzkrieg era, the Mediterranean theater ( North Africa, Balkans, Sicily, Italy, maybe Dragoon), and add the British/Free French/Free Poles to NW Europe. Also in the same system the Arab Israeli Wars.
- Have played your JTS games longer than I can remember (going as far back as the Avalon Hill board game days). I have always enjoyed them but, with the continued support and enhancements WDS have been providing, they are better than ever. Please keep up the great work!
- Need to add several new features to Squad Battles core code eg basements, rooftop fire position, buildings on fire.
- Wonderful games. Extremely satisfied. Totally impressed with the dedication to updates.
- I think you are doing the right things.
- Great work especially the panzer campaigns
- Like to see more Panzer Battle titles
- More AI updates please. Very happy with the WDS experience
- Appreciate the updates and upgrades.
- 1. It would be nice to see new additions to the Strategic War series 2. It would be nice to see new scenarios added to current titles, especially for Single Player 3.I see too many H2H scenarios and 2-player-recommended scenarios, so please continue work on AI.
- Great quality and customer service! You guys are one of my favorite niche companies out there.
- Just keep up the great work.
- Would like to see a game set during the Italian wars of independence
- Just one question. Will the latest updates to the Squad Battles series for Vietnam/Tour of Duty/Dien Bien Phu be released anytime soon? I will admit that the three aforementioned titles were my most repeatedly played games, until that is JTS allowed, from what I can tell to be one individual to make a complete and utter mess of the entire Squad Battles series. I really like the new changes to Advance of the Reich. Thanks.
- WDS is doing a fantastic job.
- Improve on the graphics of the old Tiller games.
- I would love to see a game about the Hurtgen Forest; AI opponent needs to be improved since all of my games are played against the computer.
- Keep up your good work! It is much appreciated! Especially with updating the AI as well as 3D!
- Need more youtube, twitch videos and maybe some AAR's to show off your games.
- Please provide/update iPad versions of the games
- I really enjoy the games I've tried so far.
- No complaints, everything seems fine.
- I am sure you're aware of the upcoming film about Napoleon...
- squad battles on the western front like elseborn ridge st.vith clervaux
- Keep tweaking the AI. If these games had competitive AI vs. human, good as they are now, they would be extraordinary.
- Keep up the great work. Continue carry the flag.
- You guys do a great job. Thanks for keeping us informed.
- I have at least 24 HPS games on CD, and more than 20 downloaded games (some games in both categories). Big fan of the Panzer Campaigns and First World War Campaigns. Keep up the good work.
- I think your redesign is a real improvement. It's easier to find things and the blogs help explain what you're doing and why.
- I love what you are doing.
- For CWB & solo play, random activations (chit pull) to Divisions, or Brigades, etc., would enhance gameplay when I play both sides. Would take this game to a whole new level if feasible to program.
- Thank you for fixing the captured artillery mechanic, it never made any sense to force the side that captured a battery to post a guard over it or lose the points.
- Love your products and appreciate all your hard work keeping these game systems humming along.
- Here's Nuno from Strategy and Wargaming, if you guys need any help, I'll gladly work something out with you. In case you don't know, I work as a corporate communications manager. Feel free to reach out!
- I am waiting for Panzer Battles - Moscow with bated breath!
- 1. The games are very immersive and enjoyable. I would like to see a series of games which cover the colonial period in Africa. 2. And here's an idea - how would, say, the Confederate army at Gettysburg fare against the British/Prussian army at Waterloo? Or the Gettysburg Union army against the Waterloo or Borodino French army? I suppose the hypothetical combinations would be endless. Just a thought.
- Keep up the good work I’d like to see English Civil War , War of the Roses, 100 years war, Franco Prussian War ,
- This is not unusual when using AI. It's just not too intelligent. It doesn't have the means to exhibit aggressiveness or cope with unexpected changes of events outside of historical events. For example, using the scenario in LBH where the entire regiment enters the battle as a whole, the AI does not respond to a major effort by Custer to hit the pony herd and non-combatants. The warriors fail to counterattack to defend their families and the herd and leave them basically defenseless. They take far too many casualties and inflict very few versus the troopers. This is a far more interesting situation versus Custer's tactic of dividing his force into small battalions that subsequently barely survive. This has the potential to be a very challenging scenario if the warriors just demonstrated some aggressiveness. If you are planning a full-scale game involving the Plains Indians compare LBH to what happened to Kit Carson at Adobe Walls and Ranald Mackenzie at Palo Duro Canyon. In both cases, the troops were outnumbered but in one case they successfully survived and in the other Mackenzie won a significant victory. I truly enjoy your games and plan to purchase more so keep up the good work.
- A site to post system enhancements to individual game series would be helpful to players, designers/developers, and to WDS. Make it easier to get the message out and you will be surprised by the clever suggestions you receive. It will also be an opportunity to recognize contributions to the games by the people who play them.
- Would love a colorblind assist button. I currently play the civil war battles and the red used for the rebels on the jump map is difficult to differentiate from the terrain.
- Have you thought about earlier time period games? Crusades/Holy Orders, Knights and Longbows, etc.
- Yes, what has happened to the development of the "Panzer Battles" series of games? I was looking forward to release of the Moscow '41 iteration and have heard nothing. IMHO, this series is by far the best, as IMHO we have had enough already of the excellent Panzer Campaigns designs, as great as they are. Anyway, best wishes to you!
- Your games keep me gaming even if its solo gaming. Love the larger battles
- more simulated naval wargame
- PzB Moscow had been announced a long time ago. would like to receive any kind of update
- Regarding the gameplay in some of the series as Napoleonic Battles or E. A. W. I think that the A. I. could be more challenging and hard to beat. That could make the whole battle or Campaign more interesting to my opinion.
- The download section in the account page, though a major improvement, is still cumbersome, being organized by order. I have more than 80 games and a search by name or series would be more user friendly (have a look at Matrix Games personal page).
- Keep up the excellent work.
- Ancient and medieval period would be great.
- I think you guys have done a great job so far improving all areas since becoming WDS. The game improvements have been awesome, the information shared easy to understand and to the point and access to updates smooth. Great job done so far. Any chance you guys could look at the WW2 German invasion of Norway and the allied attempt to support the Norwegians as a potential release when you get time. Thanks to all at WDS
- Great games, though ai is sometimes just a bit too predictable, I would like to see an ai opponents trying strange tactics and acting like a human more
- Great games, though I'd love to be able to play larger scenarios vs a capable, strategically reactive AI. It might be a daunting task to implement such, but would be great.
- Do keep up the great work 💪 👍
- - Panzer Campaigns 3D View: Never use it (always 2d), don't like it, would be better if it looked similar to old John Tiller Campaigns Series (East/West Front, Rising Sun) 3d View ... new games would be nice like : - Panzer Battles 1944/45 Eastern Front - Crimean War, German Wars of Unification Looking forward to upcoming 30 Years War - the first Musket & Pike game I'm really interested in. Thanks!
- I am a total fan of your overall work and the fact that you not only continue the work on John Tiller’s legacy, but brought the games to a whole new level so they probably appeal to wargamers now who haven’t considered them before. On a side note: It would be great to see more Squad Battles games and the Early American Wars series updated. But I suppose you’re a rather small team and it’s virtually impossible to tackle all that at the same time. For now, I’m really looking forward to the 30-year war game.
- like all of the updates to make the games better
- I mainly play panzer campaigns and often look for clarification on rules and game play. I tried forums to no avail. I don't want to flood your help desk with sometimes minor pesky questions. What do you recommend. Should I use the help desk?
- I believe you guys are doing great. You have plenty of support for our immediate problems and continue to update our games to keep them current.
- Yes. Please consider any of the following conflicts for future games: Austro-Prussian War Franco-Prussian War Russo-Japanese War
- I enjoy the games very much. Demos have been valuable in assessing my interest in untried series. Happy to have found games that have long-term support and improvement.
- I appreciate your games, unfortunately I do not have enough time…
- Enable troops to cut paths through woods for artillery and cavalry. Base on number of men, set minimum number of turns plus random additional time. Different for orchards, woods, and fences.
- Keep up the good work! Please give the Early American Wars series some updates.
- Your titles are among my favorites. Panzer Battles and Squad Battles are my favorites. Wish the community was bigger.
- The updates may be skewing the victory point conditions
- I think the games are great. I specially enjoy your Napoleonic titles, but I really think you need to improve the graphics even more in order to appeal to a broader public.
- You guys are doing a great job with communication. As well as a surprising amount of updates....to the point that I feel guilty and wish you had more new content I could purchase to support your endeavors (...eagerly waiting on new Squad Battles titles).
- Looking forward to a full release about plains Indian wars! Would like more CWB releases
- Ever thought about doing a naval simulation like Action Stations?
- Like so many of the gamers in our field through the years we have suggestion which most get ignored but you guys at WDS are spot on for receiving our comments
- Please continue the good work. I like the updates you did to the naval games and the 17/18/19 century games! I plan to enjoy your games more as soon as I finished building my new home. Somewhere next year. Suggestion: would it be able to include a map making tool? Maybe as a separated purchasable add on? I live in Belgium and would like to make some custom maps using the Ferraris Maps as a base for maps for the 1789-1790 Brabant Revolt/United Belgian States against Emperor Joseph II’s Austrian Forces in current day Belgium. Like Turnhout 1789, Ghent 1789, Falmage 1790…. Maybe as add-on to Revolutionairy bayonettes along the Rhine.
- Suggestions: more than 2 player multiplayer games, with independent turns, commands, and fog of war for each player. Player to player messaging system with game based delays (for orders) would be great….
- Please improve the AI. These games are mostly played solitary, but the AI presents very little challenge. For example, I won the Gettysburg campaign before I even had to fight at Gettysburg--I captured all the Union officers, supply wagons and cannons. Also, most games need many more shortish scenarios, 10-15 turns, which are good for PBEM.
- Disappointed that the Panzer Campaign Forum is low on content and posts. Where did all the scenario designers and AAR contributors go?
- I would really like a much stronger AI to play against, especially for tactical games
- I have two suggestions. I would love to see dynamic weather or at least a weather symbol for the current condition (like partly cloudy or rainy like in the weather channel). Maybe you could add a weather sound effects option that could played on its own or with the current sound effects tracked under it (birds chirping in fair weather, rain and thunder or howling wind in inclimate etc.) Also, Is it possible to add a more visible clock? Maybe a pocket watch icon or something similar. I know its on the status bar, but it would be nicer to be more visible. Thanks for all you do, the games are amazing.
- Game needs better player control of supply usage. Also, a better explanation and feedback from the game on how Leader modifiers are working.
- Even when new web is better, i still cant change e-mail in my account to use shop. Other point is made you see games you owned with a ribbon or something similar in store, and another improvement could be have a list of what games you own with serials, grouped by series.
- Keep up the good work, friends!
- Keen to see more Panzer Battles series. Also I am a huge fan of the Napoleonic series. I play against the AI so very keen to see the continued improvements that are being brought in. Please keep working on this as a genuine challenge will make the historic flavour even better. Also can you confirm the latest updates will upgrade the unit art for the older series like Marengo and RBOTR?
- I'm curious as to when the change was made that made attacking units so much more powerful than defending units in ACW series. Especially after they moved and fired and still caused more casualties. Also, why was this change made?
- I am not your "average" customer as since the HPS days I have obtained most of my games free via testing/developing the FWWC series with Ed Williams, so that is why I don't really interact with the web site, love the blogs! : )
- The work you've done to upgrade the games is phenomenal, as is the documentation. Keep up the great work and I'll continue to buy and support your games!
- Keep up the great work! You folks are doing fine!!
- Your games are unsurpassed in scope and historical coverage. I would like to see some changes in the counters to show more data.
- Great software and updates. A bit pricey with our exchange rate but the sales always help.
- Very excited about your 30yw announcement. This era is my second favourite (after ancients hint hint) . Regardless of the era I am glad you exist!
- Please add an .oob editor to the Civil War series.
- No in general I'm happy with the direction WDS is going and the speed. I was a bit worried that you were making game/engine changes without consulting the 'fan base' or the users but I think the changes make sense. Perhaps if you make the case for change before changing things then you'd take more players along with you. This is just my personal opinion so its just one isolated comment and not a general one. The game series has definitely professionalised and stepped up a gear from what I felt was the 'old hands' of HPS who did a great job keeping things ticking over and alive.
- Turn based naval games would be good
- You all do great work! Thank you for continuing John Tiller's work and keeping these games available for us! In my opinion, it'd be fun to see more of the WW1 titles, though I understand it'd be a bit of a slugfest.
- Been buying Panzer Campaigns since HPS days. Don’t plan on stopping.
- The work that is being done to improve the games in incredible. I have never seen a game company move forward developing their product while improving the old titles. The changes are substantial and impactful. You are a class act. Wish List: Could we get a variant of the naval games that is turned based rather than real time? With the Civil War about tapped out on major engagements how about moving to Europe post Napoleonic (the Prussian Wars, etc) or Europe in the 1700s.
- Just be historically accurate and invest on a strong a/i.
- I have bought, played and loved the Panzer Campaigns series since Smolensk '41. I play against the AI. The biggest single improvement you could introduce is to make the AI a challenging opponent. It's always been adequate in small scenarios however it can't compete in medium to large scenarios.
- Some new games based on sparsely covered subjects.
- Keep working on the ACW upgrades as time permits!!
- I love the array of games, the depth of them. I am always excited to play them. Good job WDS!
- I'm not buying a lot of new games right now, as I have quite a backlog of unplayed games. The only time I visit your website is when I start a new game and want to check for updates.
- Any chance you could do a British Colonial based game (South Africa, Sudan, Afghanistan)
- Love your games, especially those that cover times/conflicts I don't often see.
- Is there some reason your games are not available on Steam?
- Keep up the great work. I wish the Naval games could be PBEM as my other friends that play WDS games prefer that style.
- Please keep up the excellent work. The numerous updates and graphical changes have made the games in all series much more enjoyable.
- All is good I believe at this time
- I would really love an Imperial Roman-era game.
- I LOVE the recent free additions, like the Finnish-German-Russian faces on 3 Squad Battles games. Also the fact that you're continuing to work on the already-established games by making patches. The game graphics are getting much better.
- I am returning to WDS/ John Tiller games after many years away. I really appreciate all the hard work you all do and have done. It is a labor of love and it shows. The WDS website and experience is the best available and of the highest quality, Kudos,
- You should make some games about the Marlborough/Prince Eugene era. A game featuring the Italian Wars of Independence would be great as well.
- 1) I'd like to see some way to mark a hex that had a mine detected in a previous turn so we would know what hexes contain mine(s), kind of like when real life engineers place a small flag or such as to mark the area they are searching for other soldiers to see. On the scenarios with big maps and a plethora of units, it's is impossible to remember where mines you already detected or triggered are located! 2) Would like to see the 4 Red Disruption markers shown under a Unit's Icon used in Panzer Battles be applied to Panzer Campaigns and any other of your titles that don't have them as a feature in gameplay visual feedback info. One of the best things you've done to all the titles of your games is giving them essentially the same look and functionality to the U.I. Doing this to the Unit Info as I describe above would help to bring a consistent look and feel to all your games.
- Just that you are doing great. Please keep it up.
- Very appreciative of both the level of communications coming from WDS and also the huge ongoing effort to update/ improve the full range of games. Truly epic!
- Glad to hear progress is being made on the new Panzer Battles titles. The new Panzer Campaigns titles are also welcome.
- WDS is the worthy digital successor to SPI in the 1970s. The game play is very similar!
- I am interested in finding games that I like, not just talking about them. The game itself is not adequately explained before purchase.
- Improve the AI of the games. I can only play solo. I use command control for my side
- More new titles and less updates. Would pay more for a product in order for you to pay your guys more. Re: name and email below - should have a "click this link to confirm" with email sent to that account so that the real person verifies that they did in fact enter this survey info.
- I would like random Game sales . Maybe 2 different games every 2 weeks (from 2 different series)-across a period of a year maybe make all games available in this method. Perhaps during normal Summer/Christmas sales have these special sales on hiatus. Have these games at Summer/Christmas sale price (30Us rather than 40Us) or maybe even 25US(to sorta simulate a bulk discount as well- this would really entice me to buy). That way I can check website and see if either of the 2 titles interests me. At present I have to buy Bulk at sale times since the individual normal price is too expensive for me. This would be fun for me. And I think my sales could be generated for WDS through other people as well. I buy a few games on Steam and Steam regularly has 'special sales' in the manner I describe. Steam seems to get extra sales out of it.
- Please continue to update the civil war series of games even if you don't release any more titles.
- My most important game feature is the AI, next the UI. Graphics are not that important to me. You do not have to respond to this.
- While I feel that your pricing is generally okay, I do think that $40 is a bit high. I understand the niche character of the games and that you guys put a lot of work into it. But the games use a game engine that is ancient and neither UI nor the graphics are up to today's standards for video games (although there have been notable improvements). So in the past, I have personally often preferred to buy digital wargames from other publishers or preferred to buy a cardboard wargame. In my opinion, the games need to be made more attractive especially for younger people who have grown up to expect higher standards for video games. That said, lower prices might mitigate this to a degree. Although the price elasticity would have to be determined. Personally, I have noticed that not even the sales price of $29 entices me enough to make a purchase. Maybe different pricing models (bundles, subscriptions, etc.) could improve the revenue. But that's just my very personal opinion. Not to make this sound overly negative, I really appreciate what you guys are doing here!
- After 25 years, I started playing the Tiller games (The Final Struggle Start) modified by you again. A lot of improvements have been made but, in my opinion, the Ai still needs to be improved especially when attacking. Thank you
- I am a sole player against the AI. The last Waterloo update 4.07 has improved its AI. Good job! I am looking forward that the remaining Nappy games sooner or later will also be updated accordingly. I would like to express my thanks to all of the team of WDS who are improving these wonderful games.
- Excellent games. Bravo! I would maybe be interested in collaborating with you guys on the AI front. I am a to be retired very soon (currently university professor specialised in mathematical modelling). I have worked a lot on simulation, game theory etc. Done a lot of work with military etc. I would be very happy to share my experience with you. Again, my thanks on the excellent work you have done. Renaud
- My primary interest is your PzC series of games. I play them solo like chess; learn the rules and the reality of the mechanism and apply them - they are great in this context. After 42 years in the military I believe there are changes that could be made that would make them more operationally and tactically realistic. Not to replace the current series but to use your current data sets with changed Command, Logistic and a task org mechanism for HQs and Units to better reflect reality (units that are capability rather than equipment focused) i.e. a second game for each title that would better reflect military capability, better enable player alternative plans and probably improve the AI enemy for solo play.
- After the Great Northern War, please continue with the War of the Spanish Succession.
- Simple, keep up the good work!
- thank you for your effort. i would like to see more contents (scenarios, mod , and other)
- I feel like I've died and gone to heaven with all the great stuff you are doing!!!
- Really like the direction you've taken with the games. You've kept what I've liked from the originals yet added a lot of great features we've always wanted without losing the basic feel of the games. Whatever your vision is, it's the right one.
- Keep it up. Would like to see more panzer battles vs panzer campaigns though.
- I appreciate the refinements you have added to the games over the years
- Very pleased to see the John Tiller legacy live on and thrive!
- Still waiting for a new East Front Panzer battles game
- I love historical warfare games, but the love to see some science-fiction/ Space battles games.
- When I was 13 or 23 I’m sure I would have been very active with WDS. But I’m 73 and fairly computer savvy, but the computer wargames I’ve tried since 2000 have been more complex than I’d like so I’ve not yet jumped into WDS.
- Keep it up there is a place for super historical games. Try to up the AI. I go way back with this company to the 90s. My first game was AH Blitzkrieg. 1962 I believe
- I think your updates to the existing games will generate a much wider market. Although the JTS engine was sound, the graphics were very dated, in most cases. I've bought a lot more titles since WDS started updating the games.
- Improving the games through updates keeps them current and live for new devotees to join.
- Is it possible to reintroduce a new game that resembles the original version(s) of East Front introduced by Mr. Tiller? I loved the game, and believe that the improvements/upgrades that I enjoy in the other games would make this game an award winner again.
- Just keep up the good work. I major on the ACW series, and continue to marvel at the consistently high quality and authenticity.
- Really like what you are doing with these games. Your commitment to the whole project is awesome. I always love getting your emails and seeing what improvements you've made and new games you've added. Keep up the good work!!
- Doing a great job with game updates and new titles. Keep up the good work!
- You folks are doing great work
- You really need to improve the A/I of these games. I used to do PBEM, but when I want to play a game, I want to play for a couple of hours, not just one turn every three days. The A/I is so bad that the game is unplayable unless you do PBEM or hotseat, neither of which make me want to keep investing. It doesn’t need to be super challenging or smart, but it needs to be a whole lot better than it is. I want to buy your titles, I'm just done with PBEM.
- Please update Age of Rifles. Love your games and the new updates are awesome
Love the work you guys do and of course just want more. I can see the improved AI in the newest updates and game releases, great work. I would love to see a series on the Franco-Prussian war and the English Civil War. Also, any UI updates for the Early American Series would be wonderful. That is quite a list, it is almost Christmas so. :)
Yes, Above you can DEFINITELY see a trend > AND THAT TREND IS > IMPROVE THE “AI” in ALL GAMES !!!!!
I have a question regarding your ’85 Series (Western Europe and Korea) and Israel ’67.
Why aren’t these games brought forward to the present, 2023 and 1985 is over 35 years ago. A lot has changed. The dynamics vis-a-vis the European Games are theoretical (new weapon systems, political changes [NATO, EU, etc.], and the War in the Ukraine). The Israeli conflict is stuck in a time warp. Again, there are conflicts not covered in the Israeli game. As far as Korea ’85, that should be going in both directions the future and the historical Korean War of the ’50s.
Thanks for listening.
Mike Stefanowicz
I can really agree with the very last comment you posted. Update Age of Rifles. :) I,m not sure you got that game but something about the wars of 1866 and 1870 would be amazing. Note that this is not a complain in any way, i love the work you guys do, but i just want more. :)
That was a most comprehensive post survey analysis and testament to the time and effort dedicated by WDS, not only to promoting their products, but in supporting the JTS/WDS player community. A very relevant point was made in the survey about club interest. I suggest there is a hardcore element within these clubs, being a member of several myself, of long time & committed JTS/WDS gamers, and where a greater focus by WDS might reap greater rewards. An excellent survey, results and feedback.
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