Wargame Design Studio publishes its first game: Civil War Battles – Forgotten Campaigns

Civil War Battles – Forgotten Campaigns Released
Wargame Design Studio (WDS) is excited to release its first game under the WDS label.
Forgotten Campaigns is the next installment in the Civil War Battles series with the prior fourteen titles covering the major campaigns in the American Civil War.
Forgotten Campaigns is a title unlike the others in the Civil War Battles series, in that it covers a wide range of actions from all theaters of the war. In this fifteenth installment of the series, we have rolled up the actions not covered in other titles, and in many cases actions that the historians have not devoted much attention to either. Fighting will range from frontier actions in New Mexico during 1862 to Mobile Bay in 1865. The Red River campaign of 1864 is included as is the War in Mississippi with Brice's Crossroads and Tupelo. Naval combat plays a prominent role in many actions as well, with coastal actions from Charleston to Baton Rouge and many others.
Civil War Battles – Forgotten Campaigns is for sale now and can be reviewed and purchased from this link: https://wargameds.com/products/forgotten-campaigns
Wargame Design Studio purchases the assets of John Tiller Software
In addition to the release of Forgotten Campaigns, WDS is announcing that it has bought the full John Tiller game catalogue, source code and John Tiller and John Tiller Software name. The deal was finalized in September 2021, and we would like to thank the Tiller family for their support in closing the deal and allowing us to continue to build on John’s legacy.
With the purchase behind us, we are also launching our new website at https://wargameds.com/
Our prior sites, https://johntillersoftware.com/ and https://www.wargamedesignstudio.com/ should all start to redirect to this new page.
Catalogue Refresh
The full PC game catalogue has been updated and will be branded as WDS titles from today. With the move to new installers, many enhancements and fixes have been included across almost every series. A summarized list of inclusions in the new installers and patches follows:
- American Civil War – significant new code enhancements introduced with Forgotten Campaigns and included in all existing fourteen titles. New 2D & 3D hi-res graphics sets. Newly revised and improved documentation
- Early American Wars - New 2D & 3D hi-res graphics sets.
- First World War Campaigns – additional content updates for all three titles
- Modern Campaigns – new code enhancements and the hi-res graphics engine introduced with Panzer Campaigns Scheldt ’44 is implemented in all five titles.
- Musket & Pike – new code enhancements in both released titles. New 2D & 3D hi-res graphics sets.
- Napoleonic’s - significant new code enhancements as introduced with Campaign Waterloo 1.09 and now included in all fifteen titles. New 2D & 3D hi-res graphics sets. Many of the enhancements to this series have been ported across from the previous WDS work on the Civil War Battles series.
- Naval Campaigns - significant new code enhancements including weather, damage and other items needed for both current and planned titles. All five released titles have been upgraded.
- Panzer Battles – significant new code enhancements including replacements, weather, artillery resolution and optional alternative assault resolution that were slated for the next titles in the series. All three released titles and the Demo have been upgraded
- Panzer Campaigns – significant new code enhancements including changes to alternate assault resolution, corps attachment and addition of forts. All titles have implemented the hi-res graphics engine introduced with Panzer Campaigns Scheldt ’44. Newly revised and improved documentation.
- Strategic War – new code enhancements and new hi-res graphics set for both released titles.
Both the Modern Air Power and Squad Battles series are being released as WDS titles, but their planned enhancements are still work-in-progress. More on that at a future date.
In total, we are releasing installers or patches for all ninety-nine PC titles today.
More information on the above announcements is in the following FAQ.
November 19th, 2021
Q: What is WDS?
A: Wargame Design Studio (WDS) was founded in August 2016 to support and enhance John Tiller's wargame series. In September 2021, WDS bought the full John Tiller game catalogue with a remit to continue to publish and enhance the complete range. We have a robust pipeline of new titles and are excited with what the future holds.
Q: What happens with all the games I’ve purchased over the years from John Tiller?
A: All games purchase through John Tiller Software are completely supported in the same manner that JTS has supported them for years. All games that were purchased through HPS Simulations and converted to JTS versions over the years are also supported. That migration window has now closed, however. In short – if you have a serial number for your game, you are good to go going forward.
Q: What about getting the games installed? I never made a backup of most and what I do have is very old.
A: This is a multi-part answer:
- First off, you should only be doing installations from a digital installer. All CD versions of the games are obsolete and in many cases the file structures are different. They should no longer be used.
- We will be “re-opening” all orders from our existing store which will cause an email to be sent to you for each product you have ordered in the past. This will give you an opportunity to grab a new installer for the game that is completely up to date as of the WDS announcement.
- If you purchased games through the original JTS store (Dec. 2010 – May 2012) then send an email to Support@wargameds.com along with your order number(s) or serial number(s) and new installer files will be emailed to you.
- If you were migrated over from old HPS purchases, then send an email to Support@wargameds.com along with your serial number(s) and new installer files will be emailed to you. ** You must include a complete listing of all game names and serial numbers you are requesting new installers for.
Q: Will you be continuing to sell games as John Tiller Software?
A: No, all titles and sales will be through WDS going forward. We are a fully incorporated company (WDS LLC) in the United States. All our titles use John Tiller’s game system, and we will continue to pay homage to John. If you follow existing links to John Tiller Software, it should route you to our new site at wargameds.com
Q: Why aren’t you using the existing wargamedesignstudio.com url?
A: We debated using this as our primary url, but it is l-o-n-g. We have chosen the shorter wargameds.com to simplify the ability to find us – wargamedesignstudio.com will still be in place, but you will be redirected to our new URL.
Q: I’m getting a warning message when I try and launch the game installer or update, what gives?
A: This is to be expected and should go away with time. The reason is, we have a brand-new code signing certificate and up until November 19th, 2021, it has only been used within our development circles. All our software has been scanned and found free of both viruses and malware. As time passes and more installations take place around the world the “reputation” of our certificate will grow, and the warnings will diminish. You can confidently by-pass these warnings and install the software.
Q: Will the games run under Windows 11.
A: Yes, preliminary testing shows that the games will run under Windows 11.
Q: Are you planning just to sell the existing titles or are you planning new content?
A: Civil War Battles – Forgotten Campaigns is the first of a very solid pipeline of games. WDS is continuing the approach started in 2016 of bringing together developers, programmers, and artists to build on John Tiller’s work. This means a focus on both new titles and enhancements to prior releases. The solid foundation and research behind each title and game series is a perfect starting point for further enhancement.
Forgotten Campaigns Data Sheet
Forgotten Campaigns is a title unlike the others in the Civil War Battles series, in that it covers a wide range of actions from all theaters of the war. In this 15th installment of the series we have rolled up the actions not covered in other titles, and in many cases actions that the historians have not devoted much attention to either. Fighting will range from frontier actions in New Mexico during 1862 to Mobile Bay in 1865. The Red River campaign of 1864 is included as is the War in Mississippi with Brice's Crossroads and Tupelo. Naval combat plays a prominent role in many actions as well, with coastal actions from Charleston to Baton Rouge and many others.
115 scenarios are included, and all can be played as either side, against the A/I or other human challengers.
Multiple variants of each situation included. 10 scenarios have been honed specifically for challenging play against the A/I. Most scenarios can be played against the A/I in a single day, yet others may take several days to complete, or even weeks. Just save and continue later at your own pace.
For more fun, challenge another human, and play either face to face, or PBEM (Play by email)
Battles include: Fort Craig, Valverde, Glorieta, Fort Union, Secessionville, Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Charleston, Battery Wagner, Morris Island, Olustee, Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, Cane Island, Jenkins' Ferry, Brice's Cross Roads, Tupelo, Mobile Bay, Little Blue, Newtonia, Fort Fisher, Averasboro, Bentonville and others.
4 campaigns are included. Missouri, New Mexico & Red River Campaigns. Also, a "linking" campaign stitching all the major actions together so they can be played in historical order.
Features and Enhancements
A total graphics package:
High-Res 2D graphics for all zoom levels
3D hand drawn maps, 3D units, with individualized regimental flags.
Colorized leaders and unit files.
Traditional B/W unit, and leaders are also an option.
Improved 2D terrain graphics.
Numerous engine enhancements such as:
Damage rating for ships.
Naval mines/torpedo's
Adjustments to Extreme Fog of War further increasing the realism of play
Scenario and Campaign editor: Build new or improve existing battles and campaigns.
Many “What If” battles and maps, both large and small.
Scenario Design: John Ferry
Programming: Robert "Berto" Osterlund
Painted 3D Maps and Unit Graphics: Frank Mullins
Getting Started and Designer Notes: Richard Walker
Scenario Maps: Nick Bell & John Ferry
Campaign Situation Maps: Richard Walker
Playtesters: Atle Jenssen, Claes Melbro, Alex Królikowski, Mark Nelms, Henrik Schmidt, Brett Kolcun, Rich Walker, Robert "Berto" Osterlund, Derald Riggs
Technical Requirements
Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10
Processor: 1 GHz
Disk Space: 3 GB
Memory: 1 GB
(All can be opened full size in a new tab)
Thank you!
Congrats WDS Team! This is great news for us fans for WDS and JTS! I am sure John is up there, happy that his hard work, and legacy will continue forward and evolve in the more than capable hands of the WDS Team! Looking forward to seeing what you continue to do with his code base…and what completely new innovative ideas of your own that you surprise us with.
Good job to all of your team! The website works excellent in showing images and what’s included in each game. That alone is a ton of work. You sent me updates to the games I bought from JT today and I am very impressed. I’m going to buy your first title Forgotten Battles. Thank you!
Congratulations! Looking forward to it all. I do hope upgrades/updates will be done on Squad Battles. Its a worthy series worthy of the same attention the other series’ have gotten in recent years.
Congratulations everyone. Thank you for continuing on with John’s work and tradition of new content and improvement upgrades.
Looks like I’ll be supporting y’all soon. (Buying games!)
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