North Africa Panzer Campaigns - 4.04 Updates.
Hi All,
With the advent of the Northern Hemisphere summer, we are off to North Africa!
This week we move our focus to the Western Desert and Tunisia. Following on from the recent Modern Campaigns and Panzer Campaigns upgrades we are releasing a further threer Panzer Campaigns titles with the new 4.04 version. This is the same version as the recently released title, Panzer Campaigns: Spring Awakening ’45 and our recent games of the week, Panzer Campaigns: Sealion ‘40, the Asia titles and last week’s Western Front games.
The three titles updated today are Panzer Campaigns: Tobruk ‘41, Panzer Campaigns: El Alamein ’42, and Panzer Campaigns: Tunisia ’43.

Please note, these are full installation builds. The reason for this is to align to the upgrades we started to release back in March here. There is no patch from the prior version available. If you already have a copy of any of these five titles, the latest game build should be available now in your store account on the WDS website. You will have to uninstall any existing versions and then install the latest to be up to date.
With the move to version 4.04, here are the following changes beyond version 4.03:
Panzer Campaigns version 4.04 Changelog
Full Release
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash due to registry setting for the classic toolbar (which no longer exists).
- Prevent Windows 11 CTD by replacing MCI audio with DirectSound on the Splash Screen.
- Fixed a crash to desktop and game corruption when playing Network Direct Play.
- Fixed a rare crash to desktop when Auto-Save was not selected.
- Units are not penalised with night fatigue when moving by rail.
- Dynamic NATO counter drawing on the Hex Info display. This is the same as the Panzer Battles implementation and the NATO counter on the unit card will highlight when appropriate.
- New unit boxes to improve legibility of text.
- New Unit box Back image to improve legibility of text.
We expect to follow-up with further games very soon.
Here are a few sample screen shots:
Panzer Campaigns: El Alamein ’42
We plan to continue to migrate the remaining Panzer Campaigns and First World War Campaigns series across to version 4.04 over the next couple of months.
We also want to mention that the Wargame Design Studio Summer Sale dates have now been set. The sale will start on Friday, June 14th and run till Thursday, July 4th. More details to follow next week.
Please keep visiting the WDS site for the latest news, or make certain you are subscribed to our email updates for the latest.
I must admit that’s a good looking tank on the title page of this blog. These updates are appreciated like always, especially the graphical enhancements.
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