Quick Take: Squad Battles: The Proud and the Few
Hi All,
Just a short note this week to share some further info on the next Squad Battles update.
In between the range of other updates and projects, there has been time to continue legacy projects to upgrade existing titles.
When (not yet!) released, Squad Battles: The Proud and the Few will be version 4.03.3. This has a number of small, but significant inclusions. All other upgraded Squad Battles titles will receive this update after the release of The Proud and the Few.
With the move to version 4.03.3, here are the following changes beyond the original version 4.00:
The Proud and the Few Release 4.03.3 Changelog
Please note version 4.03.3 is a Full Installer only, no patch from prior versions is available.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Uncrewed guns hide other counters in the hex.
- Fixed: Loading a vehicle with passengers onto another vehicle with a "Can Carry" flag and on-board weapons results in the on-board weapons being transferred to the new passenger.
- Fixed: Vehicles being carried by other vehicles show as separate counters on the map.
- Fixed: Vehicles with passengers stacked with weapons on the ground are drawn with an offset.
- Background music is now supported, and volume can be separately controlled.
- Victory Point calculations added to the Strength Dialog.
- Changed Editor icons.
- Uncrewed guns now have a symbol indicator on the map.
The Proud and the Few Release 4.03.2 Changelog (not released)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Fix CTD when opening the "Rolling Barrages" dialog.
- Fixed: Added exception handing for the SoLoud audio engine.
- Fixed: Map Editor wouldn't open sub-maps correctly.
- Fixed: Map pasting in the Map Editor.
- Fixed: Proper placement of asymmetrical hexside features.
- Fixed: Embankment hexsides were not drawn in 3D mode.
- Fixed: Slopes were clashing with certain map features.
- Replaced DirectSound with SoLoud audio engine.
- Added dialog-based volume control.
The Proud and the Few Release 4.03.1 Changelog (not released)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Performance problems caused by excessive redraw.
- Fixed: Clear scatter result for the AI.
- Fixed: Missing screen display & sound playback when there's a draw.
- Fixed: Missing toolbar tooltip display for Charge command.
- Fixed: Prevent Windows 11 CTD by replacing MCI audio with DirectSound on the Splash Screen.
The Proud and the Few Release 4.03 Changelog (not released)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: CTD caused when displaying wrecked weapons.
- Fixed: Stop all units being selected when toggling "On Ground".
- Fixed CTDs caused when using the "Target Units" highlight.
- Restore display of the Targeting Dialog.
- Fixed CTD caused when opening a new scenario in hot seat mode.
- Ensure assaults pay the correct movement costs.
- Fixed: Missing Heavy Weapons graphics on counters.
- Fixed: missing wire cutter graphics
- Fixed: Incorrect plunger, remote control, and mine-roller graphics.
- Fixed: Incorrect Victory Screens
- Allow sound files to play even when running at up to double speed.
- Improved air support + indirect fire accuracy.
- Weapon quality can now be altered in the OOB Editor.
- Scatter hex for a leader now has an on-screen symbol.
- Chosen leader for support calls now has an-screen symbol.
- Set the assault cost to the greater of terrain movement or one third movement cost.
- Allow hotkeys to be processed when the Targeting Dialog is open and has focus.
- Adjustments to prevent invisible units being revealed as part of a movement attempt.
- Put the Artillery no LOS penalty into the PDT.
- Replaced the Misc graphics with better versions.
- Revised all 3D Infantry images.
Content Changes
- Added binoculars and demolition charges to the data files.
The Proud and the Few Release 4.02 Changelog (not released)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Weapon tab display error.
- Fixed: 3D Display Bug - Snow & Mud conditions were not showing in all cases.
- Fixed: Prevent wrecked parachutes from providing any vehicle protection.
- Fixed: Only play crash landing sound when there are parachute landing losses.
- Fixed: Remove landed parachutes from organization highlights.
- Fixed: Wrecks should not be included as units that can retreat.
- Updated toolbar wrapping code.
- Support for double the number of elevations added (not enabled currently).
- Support for new swamp terrain added (not enabled currently).
- New 2D & 3D Assault and Automatic Cannon graphics added.
- Several dialogs in both the Game and Editor are now resizable. Their screen positions will be remembered.
- Options and dialog sizes/positions can be reset via a menu item.
- The Weapon Data and Parameter Data dialogs are now non-modal.
- Place All button added for reinforcements.
- Always allow assault if full MPs remain.
- Prevent invisible units being revealed as part of a movement attempt.
- Prevent auto parachute landing from performing the superfluous unload.
- Increase the number of org levels shown for arrived reinforcements.
Content Changes
- Additional revisions and updates for the user manual.
- New Summary Info manual (replacing the sqb manual)
- New sqmap manual that details the map-making process.
- New sqedit manual that details the scenario creation process.
- Revised player notes manual.
- New visual order of battles and encyclopaedia as per 4.01 changelog.
The Proud and the Few Release 4.01 Changelog (not released)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: When an enemy unit took opportunity fire during their turn, casualties were not displayed even if the unit was in a sight.
- Fixed: Units with 1/3 movement left could assault a hex even when they were impeded by the intervening terrain.
- Fixed: Surrendered units did not count as casualties and yielded no victory points.
- Fixed: Surrendering: Units with no clear escape route (i.e., a route that does not cross an enemy unit's ZOC) will instead become entrenched and fight to the last man.
- Fix for explosion animation code.
- Fixed: Targeting Dialog wasn't drawing foreground images using the Alpha Channel.
- Fix to prevent carrying capacity going negative.
- Fixed gun display corruption.
- Fixed unit overlap display on max zoom in.
- Removed: Horses could become immobilised due to terrain effects.
- Corrected: Ensure map shading is set and cleared correctly.
- Fix NextStack/PrevStack but still support NextUnit/PrevUnit.
- Fixed: Don't draw range circles if the location isn't valid.
- Fixed: Prevent a crash on new scenario load if the option Range Highlight is on.
- Corrected: Compass direction text was too small at the 200 zoom level.
- Corrected: Organization dialog(s) weren't properly supporting PNG files.
- Fixed: Fixed drawing errors caused by compass display.
- Fixed: The Database Editor wasn't looking for the Movement.dat file in the Data folder.
- Fixed: File Selection dialog wasn't looking in the Saves folder to delete files.
- Fixed: PBEM and Hotseat file location wasn't being set to the Saves folder for subsequent turns.
- Fixed: PBEM file location was only correct on a clean start.
- Corrected: On map fire results were not present for PBEM/Hotseat replays.
- Corrected: On map fire results were not displayed if the replay ended immediately afterwards.
- Corrected: Battle record file dialog now defaults to Saves folder.
- Fixed drawing errors in the OOB Editor for officers and squads picture display.
- Corrected: The 3DSides graphics were being loaded into the wrong place.
- Fixed: Effects.dat was being loaded instead of Movement.dat.
- Corrected: New Range Effect code wasn't considering a range of 0.
- Corrected: Game Action Speed Clear Message Timer had the same ID as the Auto Scroll one.
- Fixed: Screen snapshot now defaults to the Saves folder.
- Fixed: Counter display where towed/fixed guns were not bottom of stack.
- Fixed: Campaign Front End display when campaign is over.
- Corrected: Parameter Data Editor was copying the rest data into weapon recovery when saving.
- Fixed: 3DEdges50 & 100 graphics were not showing in Normal, Soft & Mud conditions.
- Corrected: Randomised display of tree graphics wasn't random enough.
- Fixed: When calling in support, movement point deduction is now only done when a target is chosen.
- Corrected: Vehicles now have movement points deducted for calling in support.
- Corrected: AI now has movement points deducted for calling in support.
- Fixed: Closing the targeting dialog without selecting a target now reverts the support unit to available.
- Corrected: Movement point deduction is now only done when the support call is resolved.
- Fixed: 3D trails, gullies and streams drawing weren’t consistent with 2D in snow or frozen conditions.
- Fixed: Weapon Recovery and Range Effect data was missing from the in-game Parameter Data Dialog.
- Corrected: 3D Fire result symbol wasn't showing correctly.
- Corrected: 3D Status markers weren't showing correctly.
- Fixed: Blocked symbol was being clipped by hotspot redraw.
- Corrected: Weapon recovery was not working as intended.
- Fixed: Status markers were too far from the unit in 3D.
- Fixed: Removed editor pathing option for Leader units as movement costs are the same as Team units.
- Corrected: Reverted overlay support to BMP files only.
- Fixed CTD due to 3D bitmaps being unloaded inappropriately.
- Fixed: Another fix for reverting support units to available where they become available in later turns.
- Fix made to alt graphics switching.
- Corrected: The wrong data file for guns was being loading for 3D drawing.
- Fix to enable 2D counter highlighting for weapons.
- Fix to background colour painting in the Database Editor.
- Fix to background graphics painting in the Targeting Dialog.
- Fix for the Map Editor paste map function.
- Fix to clear the fire result before a replay move.
- Fix for Campaign Front End to support PNG briefing maps.
- File reorganization – new folders for Saves, Data, Logs, Manuals, Maps, OOBs, Scenarios & Screens. All in process game files now stored in the \Saves sub-folder.
- New logging system for all executables to allow bugs and other support issues to be identified.
- Implemented new Dynamic Toolbars for the Main Program.
- Implemented all new and expanded hot keys.
- Implemented Settings > Cursor > Small/Standard/Large.
- Implemented Settings > Hex Highlights.
- Implemented Settings > Map Contours.
- Implemented Settings > Action Speed.
- Implemented Settings > Center Zoom on Hot Spot.
- Implemented Settings > Separate Terrain Box.
- Implemented Settings > Alternate Terrain Box Labels.
- Removed A/I > Fast A/I Processing. Replaced by Action Speed.
- Implemented View > Roaming Mode.
- Implemented View > Map Labels.
- Implemented View > Map Slopes.
- Added status message for file save (feedback for the hotkey combo).
- New game cursors added.
- PNG graphics support replacing the previous legacy BMP format.
- New 2D zoom level added.
- Support for new snow graphics files added.
- New 2D and 3D game graphics for terrain, weapons, animations, and units.
- New 2D slopes in game added.
- Slopes are now drawn after terrain to improve visibility.
- Minor uplift for compass to support alt label styling.
- Made tracer fire the same colour (reddish) and size for both sides (helps in snow conditions).
- Top-down rotating images for all vehicles and guns
- On map guns now have facing like vehicles.
- Added new tabs for infantry and weapon type.
- Standardised the Vehicle image file across all titles.
- All aircraft images are now pointing to the right.
- Recreated the Heavy Weapons files to use the larger size available for counters.
- Nearly all image files that scale (Misc, Heavy Weapon etc) on map have been recreated to be clearer at the higher zoom out levels.
- BenPark mod 3D infantry have been implemented.
- New highlighted counters in 2D.
- New ‘floating icons’ in 3D. These will also highlight like 2D counters.
- New Clouds file. All six images maybe used rather than the current default three on the right.
- New Firebase0 & Firebase1 files. These operate the same as the Cloud file with six choices of background to display. Six backgrounds have been created, with the same file used for both sides.
- Stacking changes to show multiple vehicles/guns in same hex added.
- Stacking changes to stop towed/fixed guns concealing everything else in a hex.
- Allow Passenger Marker for horse riders even under FOW.
- Moved non-towed/non-fixed weapon image down in the Targeting Dialog.
- New version of the Terrain Box added to the Hex Info area.
- Added alternative terrain box label style.
- Reposition vehicle & weapons image descriptions.
- Company markings adjusted to fit into the NATO boxes.
- Randomise background graphic choice in the Targeting Dialog.
- New weapon effectiveness recovery parameter added for each side.
- Vehicles and vehicle weapons now recover effectiveness albeit at 50% rate of other units.
- PDT and engine updates for weapon recovery added.
- All PDT files updated for a Weapon Effectiveness Recovery value of 1 for both sides.
- Support for new Range Effect values added including the Parameter Data Editor.
- Range colour coding like Panzer Battles added.
- 2D slopes display added to the map editor.
- Added scenario editor pathing (as per NPB). Also provides hex ranges in game.
- Added options for both tracked and wheeled vehicles to scenario editor pathing.
- A* pathfinding added.
Content Changes
- New weapon types added.
- Weapon Type support added to the Database Editor + Engine.
- Additional demolition weapons added to the Weapons database.
- A+ leaders now have a Quality Modifier (0.25)
- Civilians and POWs enabled for all games.
- Vastly expanded unit file allowing many more variations for unit images.
- Two types of unit images, figures, and heads.
- All order of battles has been updated to use the expanded unit file.
- Revised and updated user manual
- Updated Getting Started PDF
- New Vehicles & Weapons Encyclopaedia specialized for each title.
- New Visual Order of Battle documents, one showing figures, the other heads.
We expect there will be over 60 scenarios included, as well as a new 5 scenario campaign by Mark ‘Embis’ Bisson. This new campaign covers the US Marine landings on Tulagi as part of the Guadalcanal operation. In addition, every time we add a nationality, we must add artwork. The Japanese are no exception and in the following screen shots you will see a range of examples included.
Here are a few sample WIP development shots from a Squad Battles title that required 3D art:
When ready we will let you know when the patch is available.
Please keep visiting the WDS site for the latest news, or make certain you are subscribed to our email updates for the latest.
“We also previewed the next Squad Battles title to be upgraded, The Proud and the Few in December. This will include all the latest engine changes, new graphics, and new campaigns. A quick comment on the Squad Battles upgrades, or dearth of them. We had really hoped to get a consistent rollout of updated titles during 2024. This obviously didn’t happen. The workload in graphics and sound is more onerous than expected and the enhancements require both unit data, order of battle, and in some cases scenarios to be updated. This is taking a lot of time and can be stop/start with new titles taking precedence. We apologize for the current pace, but we are managing with what resources we have currently. The good news is that you should have the upgraded The Proud and the Few soon.” – End of Year Update, January 10, 2025
David & Company. I understand your explanation and I greatly appreciate all of WDS hard work! Let me share my perspective as a WDS long-term customer. I purchased the Proud and the Few during the Winter 2024 Sale Event. There were two drivers for the purchase. (1.) WDS promise of a new patch to bring it to the same level as Eagles Strike and (2.) I wish to design scenarios for the Proud and the Few. BTW, my first proposed scenario, “Stalingrad of Asia” will depict some of the early urban fighting as elements of the US 1st Cavalry enter the southern outskirts of Manila.
Now, the patch release was first teased in December 2024 and the latest mention was it would by “soon” (2024 End of Year Update). The Proud and the Few “vanilla” version is frankly unplayable due to the poor graphics and confusing UI interface. Any additional news on a potential patch release date will be greatly appreciated by this gamer!
David & Co. As we say goodbye to 2024 and welcome in 2025… my New Year’s wish is for “The Proud and the Few” new patch be released today! ;-)
This is great news! I am interested in picking up one of the squad battles Vietnam games during the winter sale, any idea which one will be updated first? I will also be getting proud and the few.
@ Rich H. I moved forward and purchased “The Proud and the Few” today (Dec. 13). Look forward to the “love” coming to the Squad Battles Pacific Theater games!
@Kool Cat – the hope is that it will release before the end of the year. We’ll see. But if you purchase the game now, you’ll get the update for free… so it really boils down to what you want to do.
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